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Wererat gangs, drow kingdoms, and hobgoblin armies are a dime a dozen. Our heroes have just encountered a more obscure monstrous organization. It's not very intimidating though... Which monsters make the least threatening antagonists? 



I'm honestly by surprised by the front runner. Conventional HOAs are bad enough!

Robbert Raets

Hard same. Imagine what sort of situation you'd have to be living in for the Spiders and Denizens to call a truce and team up to complain about your front yard...

Michael Zemancik

Honestly, the hag hot yoga studio sounds truly terrifying. Like, D100 sanity damage levels dangerous.


Contractors, taxes, a homeowner association, and a hot yoga studio full of hags all sound reasonably threatening. If we're talking least threatening antagonists, Merfolk astronauts could at least be ineffective out of their element.

Thomas Fowler

today we learn a valuable lesson: combat ability is not the only thing which makes a monster a threat.


But taking down a monster in an unconventional manner is also fun! See: that weird special episode of Sailor Moon where they defeat a vampire by going and eating korean bbq and then breathing on the poor unfortunate bloodsucker.

Nate Wright Jr.

"Merfolk Astronauts" Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I've seen it.


Least threatening is probably the astronauts, but I wanna see this HOA way more :D


I don't even know what Leng is.

Randall Norman Pick

Sahuagin in brass old-school deep sea diving suits needs to happen at some point, but I really want to see Leng's HOA.

Randall Norman Pick

Originally Plateau of Leng from a Lovecraft story. Pathfinder has it as a mysterious occult dimension with 'denizens' who can best be described as 'appear human'.


Fun fact about pathfinder lore: in Taldor, many of the banks are run by bronze dragons, and many of them serve the god Abadar, god of commerce and civilization. Making them literally tax dragons.