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This is a perpetual problem for any group...

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Jayne Lindgren

I am guilty of this. I do try my best to pay attention and remember things, and I do a pretty good job of it, but I didn't even take notes during school, except in the most basic sense, so....


As a game master I would have these large maps I made by hand with many names, landmarks, histories and lore both true and false, but my NPCs would have such names as blacksmith, mayor's daughter, captain of the guard, William. Many had detailed history and personality, but lacked true names.


Not too different to how the characters in this comic are named, now that I stop to think about it.

Randall Norman Pick

Even more embarrassing would have been if they asked what each player what the others' character's names were - I've been in several groups it would be a TPK.


I've been writing entire Journal Entries after every Session. Recording nearly every NPC's name we meet. Cataloging all XP rewards. And Tracking Travel Time. It's helped out so much in the long run being a Note Taker. Because this would happen way to often before I started doing this.


I've only ever played in Roll20, and our DM always has a handy list of names and pictures to reference.