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Uh oh, Magus... this does not bode well for your love life.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Thomas Fowler

Quiz is just mad that Magus is infringing on her Investigation schtick.

Robbert Raets

"Ohnoes! The Two-Quick-Jabs-to-the-Neck-with-a-Rapier Killer has struck again!"

Randall Norman Pick

To quote Rifftrax 'We think it was a bear because all the blood was drained out of him'


The Murderer: uses a classic Wiggly Dagger Magus: SLENDER-bladed Me: so, uh, how’s that investigation check going? Seems like maybe he was, uh, exsanguinated after the stabbing even. Or is this a whole new crime scene? Does this happen to them a lot?


Look, you don't NEED to put ranks in those skills. If you have the outfit, you're clearly suited for the job.