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There's a mysterious blue-haired humanoid facing off against Witch in our "Save or Die" comic: 


We've had a boatload of suggestions for her race and class, but we've narrowed it down to a few of our favorites. The options with the most votes will decide! (Unless there's a tie, in which case Miss Gestalt will cast the tie-breaking vote.) 


Michael Brost

My previous reasoning for Occultist: Proficient in light/medium armor and simple/martial weapons. High Will saves, while also being Intelligent. Abjuration Warding Talisman (armor) for additional bonus on saving throws. Transmutation talisman (weapon), for bonus to a physical stat, helping her take on an enemy boss alone like this. Item at her belt could be a planchette for a divination talisman, giving her bonuses to perception, and insight bonuses on attack rolls, skill checks etc. As well as danger sight, for additional bonuses. Could basically be a solo hero who has gathered objects that lend her power to overcome weaknesses she might otherwise have, when facing off against different foes.

Robbert Raets

*cheats by marking four options*


For some reason I just like the idea of a Half-Celestial Occultist. But Sylph sounds good too...so many good options.