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Facet will be a strip comic, with every 2-3 strips combining to form a full size comic page, so the posts will vary in height but not width. I've wanted to try this kind of layout for years and I'm really excited for it as a design challenge, but it also allows me to keep up with a non-crazy posting schedule.

This strip gives us the first look at the Ruby Plague that has been ravaging Xodarris for the past decade. Infected are known colloquially as just "Rubies" and can be easily detected by the large red minerals jutting from under their skin. Magic in Xodarris originates from rocks and minerals mined from specific mineral veins, the possession of which allows someone to use a related set of powers, the amount and strength of which varies depending on the size of the rock or mineral. The plague is suspected to have originated from a previously untapped vein, and is thought to be a corrupted form of the normal use of magic.



Michael Zemancik

An interesting format style. Nice and streamlined. // Seems with these rubies we got a bit of a red lyrium/whatever the stuff was in the Red Steel setting situation.


A lot of what inspired me to do magic this way is that it creates societal conflict. If what makes magic possible is a tangible, physical object that is only found in certain places, that leads to the commodification of it. Magic can be bought and sold, the people who are wealthy can become great mages, and the people who are not resent this--it gives a lot of opportunity for games to explore these themes.