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I dunno, he looks like he might be more capable than you think, Magus.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Randall Norman Pick

I got through wrath of the righteous thanks to an endless stream of elementals. Disrespect 2d4 extra turns per round per round at your peril.


Action economy, huh? Yeah, in an online Wrath of the Righteous, we reduced Baphomet to a pink mist before he even got a turn, thanks to AOO on crit effects, some mildly crit fishing builds, and Combat Reflexes. (Also some lucky rolls)


It's not just 5E--I had an Exalted player take out my antagonist Abyssal on the first tick of combat. Sometimes the DM just has to accept that things can die quick when the players roll well!