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If you recall a few months ago we had listed a roadmap of ideas we wanted to publish.  This was one of them.  About three episodes in, it received the lowest ratings ever.  So that's on us.  I guess no one wanted to read about Apple Bloom and give her character some depth as well as build up the world.  But stay tuned, her relationship she will make will build overtime and she will grow with a lesson Applejack and Big Mac are trying to promote.

It has been a rough year in terms of traffic and ratings for AT&F.  Very low readership and turnout.  It might be because people aren't interested in our stories we are trying to tell, and that is probably the main reason.  People just come for the jokes and when there aren't jokes, they don't "note" a comic on Tumblr.  It's really hurting us this year so far.  So we'll have to think of something to bounce that up. 



Harmless Kitten

Do you compile the positive interactions between Tumblr, Twitter, and Derpibooru? Because I'm sure I'm not the only one who mostly left Tumblr after the whole "artist exodus"? I know your stuff does decently on Twitter and Derpibooru. Either way, I enjoy these character growth arcs!


Derpibooru has seen a decline as well. I think part of it is that MLP has ended and people move on. I don't do anything on Twitter, so I truly didn't know our stuff was on Twitter. Is there links to someone posting our stuff on Twitter? We may be moving pushing our DeviantArt more someday and eventual post new episode there at the same time as Tumblr.

Harmless Kitten

I can't find a link in a short search, but I know I've seen your stuff on Twitter! If I find one I'll PM it to you.

Horatio Pitt

I also think that a lot of potential fans moved to Twitter after the tumblr meltdown. Maybe there's an eager audience to be had.