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Doing some simpler comics this week.  No elaborate set ups, no wild backgrounds.  We're going to see how they do.  We shuffled our original Monday episode to Wednesday, then added this one as the new Wednesday comic and moved our Monday that was moved to Wednesday episode to Friday!  Hopefully that made some sense... I actually tried to make it sound confusing. ;-)  

Thank you as well for the generous patronage this past month of December!  I am shocked everyone stuck around especially when most are paying for Christmas things and what not!  I truly thank you.  As a little thank you for now, here is Wednesday's episode early. :)  It ties in with Monday... but it doesn't have to either.  But it just fits in so nicely. 

As you may recall from previous years, with my work, this is the busiest time of year for me coming up.  Last year we kept the series going without slow down, but this year, we are down two people.  So we'll see how it goes.  I may have to reduce comics to twice a week instead of three times a week (temporarily) and that would allow us to throw a THROWBACK episode maybe on a Wednesday or Friday, then gradually move that to it's real home on a Saturday.  It might work out well and I will discuss it more.  I am saying all this before anything's even happened yet, so I won't jump too far ahead. ;-)  




I would totally read a history of wheat.