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Nobody liked the "Dethroned" comic making it our worst performing comic by at least 50 notes.  By noon on the day of release we had only 43 notes and at 2pm, only 55.  By 2pm it should be around 100.  So to say this episode performed awfully is an understatement.  To try and stay on the radar, we released a quick response to try and salvage our apparent dumpster fire of a comic.  It plays on the joke we had used before when a Starlight comic bombed and Spike poked fun at her.  Now Starlight gets to do the poking.  Hopefully this will help regain lost ground. 

If you want to help "Dethroned" a bit, give it a fav/heart/ or whatever it's called here.




Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Hey I liked it, I just hadn't had the chance to like and Reblog as I usually do... and awww... cheer up Spike.... Moondancer just had gluteology experience


I liked it, heck I’ve always liked your spike arcs. If it’s a storyline you want to create then go for it, don’t sweat audience reaction :)


I'm not sure we will go deeper with this arc now, we might. But eventually people will forget Moondancer filled in for Spike. :) Glad you liked it.


I did go and give it a 'like' on Tumblr, since you asked. But as a matter of curiosity, why is it relevant exactly how many 'likes' an individual comic gets?


Thank you. Other than me going way too in depth with statistics, it keeps the series relevant when people look around on Tumblr. We have a higher chance of appearing in people's feeds. It also (on a fun note) is a way to gauge what people like and dislike in the series. It helps us determine the top episodes at the end of the year which is one of my favorite things to do. :) But I know I look too much into stats, people say I shouldn't do that, and I know I shouldn't... but I still do. :P