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I first of all want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions last month.  You are such a super group and every little bit helps.... especially when I start talking about the possible situation coming up.

So a few weeks ago I had a major interview which if I got the position, would require me to move very far away.  So if I get the position (I should know this coming week) I will be forced to take a hiatus with Adorkable Twilight & Friends while I focus on moving and getting into my new career position.  I really don't want to move or have to take a hiatus, but that is what would most likely happen.  In that time which may be a week, two weeks, or more, I would try to have re-runs of episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  There is no telling how long I might be without my usual stuff to make episodes and I might be jumping around in hotels for a few weeks until I can get a place to call my own in a land, far, far away.  It would be a huge change... one I am bittersweet about.

So I figured I should tell you all ahead of time so you don't flip a table if I have to announce it later.  That said, your free game giveaways will still happen.  Nothing will change with me posting and being here, you just won't get new Adorkable episodes for awhile and traffic will probably decline again (oh poop, we had regained everything too).  

Love y'all.  You'll be my family if I end up moving away... I won't have anyone I know around except you guys.  I'll be away from the Adorkable staff as well.  So I want to say how much you all mean to me and thank you.
