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I want to first of all, THANK each and every one of you.  Thank you.  Thank you for your kindness, patience, and generosity.  You don't know how much your giving helps me out.  I mean this in the sincerest parts of my heart.  Thank you.  I wish I could do more for all of you.    I have loved getting to know even more of you as well this past month with the opening of our closed BETA Discord.

As promised, I am not on Discord often. ;-)  I warned you guys from the beginning, I just don't have much time.  But I do try to come on for extended periods of time a handful of times a week.  I have so many ideas to continue to add to that place, and I have added many of your great ideas.  Thanks for helping it grow.  I do plan to open it to the public soon.

As mentioned before, Patreon is changing how it handles money (again).  Luckily it does not affect anything you guys do, but it will affect how much I and others would get paid.  I wouldn't worry about it too much, as it seems minuscule for now.  Smaller amounts will earn less, but they also take a bigger chunk of bigger amounts now too.  It changes my total to about $10 dollars less a month if we stuck at the same level we are at right now.  It hasn't gone into affect yet.  I will read it again to make sure I am understanding it right.

Hmmm.  In other news, I've been very busy getting my car fixed... Some lady accidentally opened her door into my car without looking before opening her door and it smashed and scrapped the side of my flawless baby.  I was pretty sad about that, but I quickly got out and asked if she was alright first.  Luckily I have a dash cam like a good Russian driver would.  Maybe someday I will catch a whale falling from the sky or something.  But anyways, she was fine, I was fine.  Luckily no one was hurt and it was at a pretty low speed... but still did kudos damage to my car. :(  Her insurance is paying for it so I am driving around a rental.  

Next week I will be gone Tuesday till Friday the following week for business related junk. I will try to have a few posts ready to go and then respond when I have time.  But I probably won't get on Discord much during this time if at all.

Uh lets see... what else.  Oh, our comic traffic is in a free-fall downward for some reason and I am trying my best to ignore it.  It seems to be tied to Tumblr's downward spiral. Yep.

I think that's everything on my mind.  What's on your mind?  And again, thank you everyone.  You make me so happy and make me strive to be better all the time.




Thank *you* for the lovely comfy amusing comics. And thank you for Adorkable Twilight <3

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

One reason why the viewership is falling is because of the Tumblr Exodus, perhaps it is time to start branching out. Twitter and Pillowfort seem to be popular destinations for thsoe migrating from Tumblr


If theyre gonna start taking money from you, i might just have to boost myself up a teir, then!!


Never heard of Pillowfort. Twitter doesn't allow for much feedback in terms of traffic monitoring and what not, but I might choose Twitter. I do want to use Deviant Art more.