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Yep!  You read right.  Maybe not this month, but next month, there will be a competition for EVERYONE to join in.  It will pretty much be a drawing event to test your art skills. Still trying to hammer out the details.  

All the art sent in will be showcased on the Adorkable twilight blog (as long as it is family friendly).  So it isn't based on artistic talent.  

But now that YOU know about it way in advance, feel free to to grab your pens and draw if you wish.  More on this event later.

Games coming next week I believe.  




Neat idea! Just a heads up though, Equestria Daily is doing their Artists Training Grounds starting July 23rd. I think it runs for 4 weeks. Not sure if you want to run your contest at the same time. It may detract from participation, or it may not.