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What are your favorite types of weather?  I love weather. I personally like cool weather, not hot.  I like cool weather with neat cloud formations.  I love the fog, mist, and rain.  I love snow and how it makes everything become silent and how it dusts the trees and mountains.  I love temperate and wet weather because I don't like heat.  I don't like humid climates with 90 degree weather that literally drain you of energy.  So clearly I like weather some people don't like, but I am curious as to what kind of weather you like?

I remember as a kid watching clouds go by.  Things were a slower pace, more simple, and I loved that.  I would love to hear from you.



Luis_El Oso_Graciano

I love overcast weather. the kind where the sun shines trough but does not burn, when the air is crisp and cold but not freezing, the kindof weather when you can wear long sleeves or hoodies and feel confortable

Borg Lord

Warm, sunny, dry. (Preferably not above the mid-80s or so, though.) It'd be weird if I didn't; warm, sunny, and dry is every day in summer, and summer runs from roughly Groundhog Day to Thanksgiving (with 1-2 months of winter days interspersed in the beginning and end). (Humidity is, of course, unnatural, as is snow. Snow is a weather condition that ski resorts made up, obviously, but I don't know who thought that inventing humidity was a good idea.)


I really enjoy the cold and rainy days, they are my favorite, but only when I don't have to go out, in that case I prefer something like Autumn but in my country there is no such thing as seasons so it's only rainy or sunny, that's it


I like your thinking! The climate of Adorkable Twilight is very similar to this. Love cooler, cloudy weather, that filters the sun. A nice cool breeze. :) Some rain showers are nice. Clouds of varying degree's of grey!


I love it! I like your ideal weather choice. It gives a great excuse to stay indoors and do stuff. I can thankfully say I have all seasons, but overall, it is relatively cool here. Summers are 60s and 70sF.