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Hello all! This is just a bare bones update to fill you in on what will happen this month. 

I'm still entirely focused on having a build ready soon(ish). That means I'm hoping to have a bughunt build ready on the 15/16th (depending on your time zone) It's probably going to have some rough edges which I'll polish up during the following days provided bug-fixing won't swallow up my time. Early access should be up about three days later.

One scene had me really stumped at first and took me longer than I wanted to, but I'm reasonably happy with it now. I'm also very curious how you guys will react to another particular scene.  It was one of those scenes I considered not including  when I was still thinking about releasing half a build.

This build won't finish the love route and I'll just warn you right now, it's going to have one of those cliffhanger endings. I was trying not to do that... but then I realized even if did somehow manage to end the route in this build... it'd still be a cliffhanger because of how I structured the story. Once I realized that, it was much easier to stop pushing forward to the end. I think this route has the most builds so far, but the one after the upcoming one should take us to the final chapter.

Anyway, I have a lot more to say, but that will have to wait till another proper "art update". I don't have a lot of time left(and I really want to get something out there soon) so I better get cracking again.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend! If you've sent me a pm recently and I haven't gotten around to answer it yet, please hold on and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Marty out.




Amazing work, you got this


Nice! Since the option to pledge 20$ seems to be gone is there another way to get the coming bughunt this month?

Juan Caro

Hi! Man, hope you are better and I'm very glad to recieve this quick updates, thank you and I can't wait to play the new build!. Also, hope that you had a nice weekend as well


Ah, thanks for the update. I’ve been checking in every so often to see if there’s been any news. On one hand, I’m fine with waiting, but on the other hand, I’m just so damn eager to find out what’s next in the route.

Marshall Iblis

I hope you guys keep making games once you're done with the End content for FET. Maybe that 18Titans game, that would be fun imo.


You got this! We appreciate how hard you are working on this. Don’t get burnt out take it at your own pace 👌✌️

Bearlife 22

Looking forward to the next update, and maybe 18Titans (wink wink)


As anxious as I am to find out what happens next, I'm really happy to see you've decided to take the time you need and not rush the ending. Also, you've really piqued my interest about the scene you almost did not include. You really have outdone yourself with Book 4.


honestly i’m just happy to hear we are somewhere close to the end of this chapter because i’m hyped for the sort of epilogue chapter. all the girls you conquered on this long journey are still waiting for your return especially if you left them with kids.


Fet and the new Spider-Man movie on the same day??? Now Wednesday is looking amazing


And plus I think everyone of us who subscribe to this channel owe a thanks to Mity and Cbob for the effort you put into this game there isn’t anything more brilliant then dedicated workers who provide topnotch service

Tom Ristenbieter

cliffhanger ending in teh next build oh damn you are giving us blueballs Mity XD


I can't believe it's almost the end! That's wild! I hope to see much more in the future from you guys! Maybe even a secret Book 5 but I assume other games.


Even if this route has had the most amount of builds in it, the content inside has been absolutely phenomenal. Korra, Jinora, even Ikki all have great arcs inside, let alone the progress the MC has made. I feel it says a lot that I save certain conversations in the game where the MC has moments of growth thanks to Katara, Toph, Korra, or Jinora. This game is, to me, so far beyond the simple moments of sexual content. The MC is, depending on the route you took, a completely different person than he was in the beginning, and it's a story I feel I will be replaying many times.


I‘m hyped :)


Same. The whole game has been legitimately entertaining. I've had a good few laughs out of it too.


It’s like the “I watch porn for the plot”, but actually true. I think we all came for the porn, but stayed because the story and characters are so well written.


It's back as of right now, which means that the drop must be imminent :D


Happy to join the bughunt tier :) Is it weird to say that I look forward to the humor as much as the lewd? I have definitely become derailed by the jokes more than once lol, but not in a bad way. I hope we get more Ikki scenes, tho, or a W/S scene with someone before the end of the game (she's just become the W/S character in this route, so... >.> ) omo would be nice but also very niche lmao.


We thinking one more update after this till the end of the Love Route?


Would love to see more Ikki scenes! After FET is done, maybe another trainer game would be great! I know you guys have 18Titans already, but I would love to see maybe BNHA (Steins;Gate would be otherworldly but unfortunately probably not popular enough to be worth it)

Sion of War

I have an Idea for a Nier: Automata version if MITY was interested in that. Could be cool

Don kibonk

Could be, but it's a looota work, ESPECIALLY if he'd want to keep the multiple endings signature

Sion of War

true, but des that matter? I am assuming MITY would like to keep making these projects so it wouldnt matter. Its not like they would have to do more work in less time or something. It would be more work but then it just takes longer too. Or maybe not if they get more helping hands, but that would be a whole new prooblem