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Hey everyone!  I'm way overdue for an update, so I've drawn three girls to give this update something more than words and kick off with that. Oh, and the link hub page is here for anyone new.

Why this particular pic? Someone asked for chibis last time.

So let's start with the important stuff! How is the next build for FET coming along? Well, last time I said it should be around the twentieth of this month and I'm not having second thoughts on that yet. Just be aware it'll be the bughunt build and not the early access build. 

As always there's an incredible amount I'd like to do and simply don't have enough time for to implement. That's absolutely nothing new. Happens every damn time. And that's not even counting all the stuff I'd like to redraw! But I still think it's good to have a date to work towards and take seriously.

As for non-FET "news"...  Mosquitos have decided my knuckles (and just about any place which provides me with the most discomfort) are the tastiest.  I could deal with that as long as they'd let me sleep... Why do they have to make such a high pitched sound during their hunt for my blood? Okay, suck my blood, but at least let me sleep!

Alright, I still got a lot to do if I want to make that 20th mark, so I'll get back to working on that again now!






Any plans for 18titans ?


Ok, this Mai chibi is seriously the cutest thing I've seen since months. Thanks a lot for these three beauties.


Looking forward to it~


For mosquitoes, either citronella oil or lemongrass. You'll thank me later.


At least I'm not the only one that has bug friendly knuckle meat. It seems to be their favorite spot this year.


Goat 🐐

Benjamin Klandestine

Caught Covid the other day, very excited for this build! It'll make a lovely distraction.

Jdogzero Silverblade

have to say the art of those 3 looks much better than the usual art done. always thought they had too thick of legs. i mean it still hot and looks good its just slightly too thick with its look. if you can try out some thinner legs and arms for a test it would be neet. at least for solo pics. your choice tho :D

Don kibonk

Last time you and c-bob tried to overwork yourselves it didn't end pretty. Just don't forget to care for yourseves too. (And as for the mosquitos i'd reccoment the uv repellents, these ones often do a good job as far as i know)

Sion of War

moskito nets should do wonders. if not, slap em dead


Not immediately. Main goal is still to finish FET first. I like working on 18Titans, but most people are here for FET and it's a b*tch to switch between games code/story-wise.


I hope it'll have a few nice surprises for you(and everyone else)!


Swamp flowers rubbed all over your crotch are said to work well too ; ) ...But I think I'll go take a look at some citronella scented candles instead then. I'll thank you immediately. Thanks!


Hope you'll be one of the many people to whom it's barely an inconvenience... apart from having to be stuck at home because of it naturally!


Yeah, my unconscious mind is always pushing me towards rubenesque lines!


Do you have any plans on omnitrixxx?


Only thing that I suggest you implement into the game is better sound effects for like the harem parts


Hi I just joined but Im highly addicted to your game(s) (Including teentitans) I really appreciate your hard work, and happy you thrive to actually make games and have fun doing them (aswell as having fun sending us updates) When I say Im addicted I mean it, and I wanted to ask, after FET is completed (I know thats the goal but I want MOAR), will you add mini updates for fun experiments or will you finish titans, and then move on to even more games similar to the two?


Sadly Mity said he didn't want to go further with it. As 18titans seems to have a lot of fans, it's likely we'll see more of that after FET is finished.


No need to worry about cbob. Well, at least not about overworking himself, because it's *literally* impossible to do that with the amount I've given him. As for me, I'm generally a lot more realistic when it comes to estimations and recognizing my own limits. Also, thanks for the mosquito advice. Personally I don't like those uv lights myself for several reasons though.


Or catch them and throw them in a spider's web! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bGh-3EdUog


The way I've implemented animations makes sounds very susceptible to go out of sinc. with the animations. It's a very big ,if not the biggest reason, those are often missing.

A.E. Pessimal

Mosquitoes? Use fan! My fan works 24/7 on Low. No bytes, no viola in my ears.


Mity my dude my man I really appreciate what ur out here doing.


the chibi art style for this set of pics feel vaguely familiar cant put my finger on it


Thanks Shigu(?) it's been a while so I might be reading that name wrong. Right now I have plenty of ideas of what we'll do once FET is ready, but no real plans. Naturally I'd like to finished 18Titans one day, but FET has always been the sole reason for our existence. So just finishing that after the long time we've been working on it is basically the peak of the mountain. And once we've planted our flag on it's summit, we'll go and do some serious thinking on what comes next.


Hmmm, in combination with a timer to turn it off after an hour or so that sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks!


Haha Im excited, and it means Soda My username is Japan Soda so I made it shorter 😅

A.E. Pessimal

So Marty, are you Korean? Because they believe sleeping with fan on is... deadly. Weird. Huh. I just sleep with fan on throughout the summer, Here it means anytime except Dec-Feb. In case this excellent top notch tip will save you enough time for one or two scenes that I will win ... let me know 😝


I'm fairly new here so how big are the updates usually i know other games make them really big and others kinda small what should i expect?


Usually what you get is a nice night worth of gameplay with a couple major scenes and usually a lot more minor stuff thrown in as well. It's not gonna carry you for weeks but you won't be finished in half an hour either (unless maybe you try to speedrun it, but why would you speedrun a VN?).


I usually spend an evening (2 to 4 hours) with a new update and then maybe visit some nice spots again during the next days


does anyone know if it is possible to download a save file for FET that will have me right at the most recent part of book 4 because my old computer went to shit and I couldnt save anything from it and had to get a new one


Wait is this guy programming AND drawing himself? Actual madman

Sion of War

usually the writing and programming is done by cbob, but due to some stuff in the past regarding his mental health Marty is taking over some programming/ writing stuff to compensate. Thats also why recent releases have been rather inconsistent. Marty does do both, yes but not necessarily the whole thing

Sion of War

as far as I know that doesnt exist, atleast not from MITY, but maybe that can be aranged somehow? Then again, when you start a new game you can instantly jump to route 4 anyway


Very much looking forward for the new update buddy


Can we expect the early access to come out tmr?

Cliff Marshall

For some reason I can't get any ikki scenes or scenes with jorina they are not there for some reason is there a reason to this?

Jake Statefarm

Yes, you have to make certain choices early in the game and continue to make the correct choices for these scenes to trigger.


Nope, not Korean. I just don't like the idea of things possibly overheating while I'm asleep and burning down the house!


When it asks you if you would, ignore all the ewww, no, me never, I would never, and go for the vague answers, repeat like 3 times each time it asks you. Once per path on book 4