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Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if you heard the news, but Patreon and other sites are tightening their NSFW content policies once again.
I'm pre-emptively removing some content from here, this unfortunately includes a lot of the 'M*mmy' kink stuff.

ALL audios are still available in my library at the Level 4 Content Downloads tier.

You can also buy audios individually on my itch: https://oolay-tiger.itch.io/
Gumroad is now not allowing ANY NSFW content on their site, it's still up for now but its days are probably numbered.

Consider joining my discord for FULL updates on everything, and where to get these audios that Patreon won't allow: https://discord.gg/Rf8EZJnrEe

Anything that Patreon DOES allow will still be uploaded here btw!

Thank you, please consider fighting the good fight and getting involved in overturning censorship on the internet.



will we still get the audios Via the monthly messages? also I know a few streamers looking for Alternatives to Gumroad if they find something I will let you know


I'm sorry this happened Oolay I'll keep an eye out for some alternatives and do what I can to help


At this point I’m wondering why any nsfw creators stay on Patreon. They treat them so poorly and it’s not like there aren’t other alternatives.

Alexander Pontier

Freaking Puritanicals! Sorry this is happening to you.

Kyo Amamoto

My advice oolay open a subscribestar.adult page. they have a whole adult section that isn't beholden to paypal's bs.

Jercraft Man

Sorry to hear the news


It's a trusted brand, they do run things well despite this, and my content is fairly vanilla anyways