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Hey there, buddies! Our voting poll is now open again to decide which characters will be featured for this month's batch of rewards!

Hunter makes a comeback with some fresh new pairings! This time he's making sure everything fits to your liking! He's got almost everything including a new character and even multiple pairings! 

In the end, It's all in your hands, our dear patrons, to help Hunter shoot his arrows to your favorite pairs of this month! 

Only the top three (3) pairings are going to be selected for the rewards! You can vote more than one pairing, so cast your votes wisely! >w</  Only for this month, all rewards are going to be pairs, so make sure to cast your vote! The poll will be up for two weeks, so take your time and change them along the way if you want! 

Voting Poll ends on February 24, 2018 - 12:00 AM CST

Note: Yoichi (seme) x Natsumi (uke), Aiden (seme) x Hiro (uke)



AAAAhhhh... Keitaro x Seto!!! My true OTP. Thank you, Mikkoukun


Mob x Taiga?!!?? It seems we're getting really serious up in here... 3:)


It hard to choose. Can we have all of this? lol

Daniel Aguilera

anything new about the release date?


As a matter of fact, all pairings are great; but that one... That one is gonna be so much fun!!!


The Mob x Taiga pairing seems random but I love it xD This one is really hard though since I love all pairings. Guess even though we had it twice already that I will vote for YoichixNatsumi because I'd hope to see Natsumi bottom a second time since we most likely won't see it that often or even get the chance to vote for it again in the near future ( who knows maybe we will see him more often as a bottom but I don't think so for now). Other than that MobxTaiga is a must and AidenxHiro takes third place for me. Connor while looking good doesn't stand a chance against Aiden, Hiro and Yoichi for me and KeitaroxSeto may be really good but is even lower on my list. ^^ Love them all though these choices are the best ones in any poll up until now for me xD


OMG i love this pairing &lt;333333333333333


iv not understand what he means by Mob (5character) ? but iv vote For Yoichi xD


Hi guys! Just want to let you know that i will not allow any insulting/trash talking or any form of mean or hateful comments! I just want to remind you guys that this poll is really just for fun and should not blame other people for anything that might have oppose our own opinions! This isn't the last poll and i do try to give every characters a chance! Let's just respect everyone's opinions without saying any harmful comments okie~? Any comment that would contain profanity/insult will be automatically removed alright? though dont take it wrongly, I just want to try and make this as fun for everyone~


Hiro 😍


Hmmm I wonder who is the secret character? Can you give us a hint?


Nooooooo it’s impossible i can’t chose one ouf theme. I want all pairing.


The way the question mark is made is already a big hint if youve been following me for a long time


mobxtaiga, cant really get it, does it mean 5 character x taiga? as for the secret character mostly is cameo character that havent reveal yet


If you look at the silhouettes and color of the question marks, it's pretty cleary the rest of the main campers (Kaitaro, Hiro, Yoichi, Hunter, Natsumi) As far as the secret character, Mikkoukun said that the style of the question mark was a big hint for people who have been following him, so probably not "new" but at the same time some one who has yet to be revealed as part of this game, and will be a cameo.

Kelvin Tsang

I simply want them all!


Hey Everyone, just a reminder that we're already going to be getting a Yoichi Natsumi set with the release of Camp Buddy in the Secret Gallery, so consider voting for a set that we haven't/won't get.


No it isn't confirmed what positions they will be in their other set. It will likely be Yoichi as seme and Natsumi as uke but there is nothing confirmed. Also more of bottom Natsumi is always great xD


Yes! Aiden x Hiro moved up to 4th! And not to far away from 3rd, 9 days left, there is still hope!


It's nice that they are in 4th place now ^^ Though I still want them to stay there since no one can beat Yoichi for me xD It always feels so long when these polls are up for two weeks xD


I would love me and Yoichi to be a pair ( joined your community today 🤗)


Everybody would love to be in a pair with Yoichi... 3:)


Why does this poll have to be up for two weeks xD It's so agonizing not knowing if the pairing you're rooting for will make it or not ( especially if they would have already won if the poll was just up for one week xD) The competition is tough but I believe that Yoichi and Natsumi will make it ^^


Aiden/Hiro is slowly crawling it's way up, it will definitely come down to the wire on this one. Either way, it was a hard fought battle, and I will accept the results.


Agreed bottom Natsumi is precious and we need more of him ^^


Well, here is to hoping for some Aiden x Hiro sometime in the future.


I'm sorry for you that AxH didn't make it yet I'm also happy because YxN made it