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Hi, everyone! I'm here to announce the results of our fourth poll for the featured characters of September 2017 Rewards! We've gathered a total  of 914 Votes! Here are  the results:   
  • 1st Place - Yoichi = 132 Votes,  Hiro = 128 Votes 
  • 2nd Place -  Aiden = 108 Votes 
  • 3rd Place - Taiga = 107 Votes
  • Keitaro = 103 Votes
  • Natsumi = 66 Votes
  • Seto = 55 Votes
  • Felix = 54 Votes
  • Hunter = 53 Votes
  • Yoshinori = 35 Votes
  • Goro = 33 Votes
  • Lee = 22 Votes
  • Eduard = 18 Votes

With these results; Yoichi, Hiro, Aiden and Taiga will be featured for the September 2017 Rewards! With Hiro and Yoichi being the top two places, they will be the ones featured in the 10 USD tier.

I know that this poll was quite a topic due to some characters being featured again twice in a row >A<". I knew that some characters have not gotten the chance yet to be featured for the monthly rewards, but since this was a special poll, I left the decision to everyone's hands, including all the cast to give everyone a fair chance! But don't worry, I'll definitely find a way to give some spotlight to some of the unfeatured characters on the coming months!

As a little compensation, I featured the top 4 and the bottom two in the sportsmanship chibi art above! >w</

Thank you so much for your support and participation in this special poll! A major update about the game development will be published within the anniversary month, so please stay tuned!



Sabrina Michelle Billones Grødal

So happy Aiden and Yoichi got voted &lt;3 Hope Eduard and the others gets more attention on the next one ^^


I'm really happy with the results and and the chibi art looks super cute ^^


Woo! Taiga made it past 4th place!


Why no Natsumi!?


Can I see preview of Yoichi x Hiro before 1st Oct?


只期待Aiden與Hiro,他們2人 很配對!

Natey P

Taiga &lt;3 we officially did it people :-)


Yoichi x Hiro &lt;3 MY TAIGA &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Hahah something new in the rewards~


Thank you!~ Loll all of previous rewards are winners again + taiga xD


Hope Natsumi make it next time. Hiro X Natsumi!


I wanna see EDWARD naked!! and felix again


wow yoichi x hiro, they will fight to be the top xD


I would have loved some eduard... oh well, I'm sure all the pieces will be lovely :D


This is the best comment that I have seen in a while, it made my day - thank you