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I found some old pants from last year and they're so tight they basically look painted on 😩🥵 my aunt I haven't seen in a while also sent me some gym clothes as a gift because she had heard that I was going to the gym and gaining some muscle, but I think she hasn't realized that my clothes size has upgraded lol so here's the gym shirt she sent me :') is it too tight to use?

Ps. I finally filmed a shake chug in the outfit she sent me (this shirt plus another tight pair of shorts in the same color), I just need to edit when I'm back home then I'll post 😋




Pants are definitely showing off the leg gains 🦵


I guess you should only wear clothes this tight!!! Thank you aunt 🤤


If that ass gets any bigger you’ll need a zoning permit to move around lmao

E Santa

Spectacular 🐖🍑