New Pure development preview soon... (Patreon)
Sorry for the late next development preview of Pure. But i'm working still on some important things. The next build will have a complete new way of exposure control, which is no longer dependent of Yebis' AutoExposure. So nearly all problems of the behavoirs with the AE are solved.
The next build will bring improvements with VR too. I was able to fix many bugs when using VR. Maybe for some users there is another improvement in VR. I achieved a much better look with PostProcessing deactivated. This will save much fps, esp in VR, but it has some downsides too, like the not visible brake lights of many cars. So it's more a hotlap improvement.
A very nice improvement is the new "pure" standard ppfilter. In its script (which can now have custom UI elements), you can change its parameters in Pure Config. "pure" as a unique parameter called "optimized photo look". This solves many problems and it makes the picture just "nice". So i'm very curios, if you will like it....