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Ok next most requested on the list, the Banshee.
This one should be a staple in IS assault forces when wave two hits.
Bristling with weapons, nothing too extravagant, and the second tallest mini of the kickstarter sitting between the Atlas and Executioner.

How many are looking forward to having IS assaults that bring the same imposing scale that the Clans got in wave one? It'll be a fair step up from the Battlemaster.




I'm curious to know if you've done a design for a "stock" 3E Banshee


Heck yes! I find that the Banshee, specifically the 3S, has become especially hard to find (and in dire need of a rescale). So I’m really looking forward to this behemoth!

James Abbot-Cole

They chose the 3S over the 3E as it had a better weapons loadout. It was mentioned in one of the other posts when they revealed the set it comes in. Presumably there will be a conversion kit from IWM at some point.

James Abbot-Cole

One of the best things I have found with the new resculpts is the ability to identify the class of mech visually. Light mechs no longer compete with heavy mechs for size like they have previously and Assault mechs can make their presence known by their sheer bulk.


Gorgeous mech! But a correction is needed, as that is not a Banshee. It's an Awes-hopper, so named for having the firepower of an Awesome at range and then adding a Grasshopper up close. To be called Banshee, a mech's number of heavy guns must be equal to or less than the number of fists.


Are you sending this to Brent and Blaine? Want them to make the succession wars era versions... :)


In the words of a certain Director in a galaxy far, far away: "Oh, it's *beautiful*..."


Always loved the 3S. One of the best introtech assaults out there. This looks great! At least both PPCs now look like the same weapon.


Shimmy, where is the list of mechs that are in line to be made into minis?


Going with the 3S instead of the 3E was one of the best decisions of this kickstarter. This mech looks downright intimidating, and I am excited to get one as opposed to just painting it in opponent colors.

Andrew McKenna

Now that is a banshee I want to field


You kept the Banshee's fangs and shades while updating the look to modern standards. I'm not sure I could ask for anything more. Well, maybe a BNC-3E version to go with it.


Absolutely, other than a few of our tallest 75tonners, or slimmest 80tonners. You general know "that's an assault mech", which is a cool feeling on the table.


I'm generally not in their operations loop, being so focused on the CGL side of the effort. It'll be interesting to see how much they cover.


As in ones after the current kickstarter? Hopefully they'll allow that to be public soon enough so I can start showing more of them off :)


Yep it's the only mech so far they've changed from stock haha. All the variants were just too good compared to the 3E.


So is the mouth area also part of cockpit like with the panther? Can’t wait to this one painted up.


much better than the original.


THAT is a Banshee!!!! ONLY way to roll!!!!!!

Aaron Thurston

I never liked the Banshee.... until now.