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  • Kodiak_Turntable_1.mp4







Gorgeous! The reason I ordered that star


Are the fingers and claws one now?


This is totally true. When I went thorough my initial add-on for wave 2 yesterday, I wanted to have a couple of Kodiaks. But that question kept creeping up, what about all the light mechs you don’t want?


Always has been where mainline Battletech has been concerned. It's only the interpretations outside of Battletech such as Mechwarrior, or the CCG that decided to give it wolverine claws. In the core BT lore, it's always been a purely decorative aspect of the hand actuators.

Andrew McKenna

Much happier with the final design! Got away from the MWO teddy bear look thank goodness. Cannot wait to get my hands on it as I love all the Ghost Bear totem mechs. A question though: For the chest, what is that? It almost looks like a vent, which would be a weak point? Thank you!


Yes the always been decretive, not even amounting to give the battlefist perk. But in older art the claws and fingers were separate things. They look like they are one digit now. Not saying I’m against it just wondering if thats what I’m seeing on the hand.


Ghost Bears have always liked their light 'Mechs, (They do love their FireMoth's after all.) But it is odd that out of these, only the Hellion would be widely used by the Bears. Ironically, this pack is probably the best Clan Snow Raven/ Raven Alliance pack. Since they use pretty much all of the 'Mechs outside the Fire Falcon to some degree or another.


No one is saying there is Ghost Bear hate for lights. No way. Just in that purchasing moment, it was difficult to argue for spending the money only to get multiple Kodiaks. I am also a very stingy GB.


Definitely an odd side effect of the weird run around the the Kodiak was given early in the campaign. It should have been part of a more mainline clan pack from the start.


I'd say yes and no. In combat the claws would move with the fingers, but I think there's room to have the sharp bits remain straight and clench just the fingery bits if some delicacy was needed. Undetermined for now.


Yes a vent, but heavily armored, definitely not a straight shot cooling channel to the reactor.


It's not quite at Turkina level "why would I ever have wanted one before now", but this is a *huge* improvement over the existing Kodiak options. It's both beautifully detailed and intimidating as a design. I want one. :)

James Abbot-Cole

I'd like to see one captured and converted by IS techs to actually have useable combat claws. It would definitly piss off the Clans.


Move over Atlas, there is a new mech angling for the most intimidating category


I love this Mech so much. Deffo see a few of these being purchased :)