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Here's the 3D sculpt that Alex Immerzeel finished up a few days ago.

Fun piece of trivia that might blow your mind. I'm the first person to ever design/depict the Mad Cat in the default/prime loadout (that I'm aware of). The original TRO art comes close, but it awkwardly has two spaced out machinegun barrels in the CT that are hard to justify as a single weapon. The long standing obsession with giving the mech quad nose machineguns is cool looking, but entirely non canon.

What do you guys think of the pose? If manufactured this way it'd likely have a wedge under the raised foot like the locust or wolverine.






I really like how this ties together the TRO:3050U, Mechwarrior 4, Mechwarrior Online and museum scale takes on the design. While I can’t wait for the Marauder to grace our tabletops, this particular Mad Cat is about as close to definitive as I’m likely to see. The only issue that I ever had with the original version was how scrawny the arms were. Alex Iglesias and the Piranha team did an excellent job addressing that, but this one is far more graceful.


I hope we can get these one day!!!


One of my favorite mechs to date for obvious reasons.


Just take my money already... :)

Andrew McKenna

Beautifully done, however, I almost want to say the toes look a little small compared to all the Computer games (MW2, MW3, MW4s) and even compared to smaller mechs like the Puma and Cougar.