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Hey everyone,

Whilst we're fixing remaining bugs and issues, I would like to run an idea by you.
So two important pieces of information lead to this idea.
1) A lot of the bugs are caused by saves, which means that 90% of issues could be resolved if people would just start a new game. That's however very tiresome if you just wanna play the last update.
2) A lot of you love to play the different paths and experience all the choices and scenes we have. Therefore lots of you have pages of saves with different girls, frats, kcts, etc.

Essentially I wanna propose a main menu path builder. You'd access it much like the scene gallery, with spoiler warning and everything. On there you'd be taken through a process, where you can basically pick the most important elements of your starting point. Which frat, which kct (even lock the KCT so it doesn't change) and what girls. Then you choose a starting location and it's almost like you had a save there, just much quicker and without all the bugs and incompatibilities.  (Images for clarification below)

Does that mean your choices no longer matter?
Not at all. All this does it set the variables of previous choices as if you had tried to achieve this outcome by playing through the game. Once you start the game, at whatever starting location you choose, it's like loading a save. You can still mess up, you can still change everything with future choices. It doesn't limit or affect what you pick once the game starts at all. It simply ensures that your on the right path up until that point.

What about relationships that develop after the starting point I picked?
Say you pick Nora as romantically involved, and then start of Act 2 as starting location. In this case, you really wouldn't notice a difference, as the most impactful Nora choices are still to come and you will have to make them on your own.  The path builder won't railroad you into future choices, merely affect the choices up until that point.

Would this affect normal playthroughs or saves?
Not at all, this is a separate feature accessible from the main menu. You can still play the game normally and we recommend you only use this once you've already played through the game.

What about smaller choices?
The biggest downside of this compared to a normal playthrough is the lack of nuance. The game has thousands of choices, lots of which are highly impactful. We can't let you pick every single decision in the path builder, that's why it will only be the most important ones. Like frat, kct or romantic involvement.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and please if you have ideas on what you'd like to see as part of the path builder leave them in the comments!

If you guys want this and vote yes, we might be able to patch a basic version in over the next few days. This would allow people that lost their saves, or had bugs with saves to properly enjoy the latest update without having to replay everything.

- Steve



10/10 idea

Avguste Antonov

voting yes, even though I have a bit of difficult time visualizing how that will work


other games of this genre have done the same idea, in those cases they ask a series of questions then bring you up to speed. although sometimes it feels half the content on the update just went into that part of it. Hmm... still voted yes though


this is really good, sometime i want to do a specific path and forgot to save and by accident make a wrong decision and can´t go back so this is really helpful


It's true that you remove the fact that we can play at each update, but since you just give a choice, I think it's a good idea. If people doesn't want to go through this they have the choice, and if it's also save you some times for debug it's win-win.


I’ve seen a few mods like this for Fallout and Skyrim, so I think it’s a great idea

Crowangel Gaming

100% supported.. great idea for repeat offenders.. errr replays :)


this sounds amazing and time savin <3


I'm fighting save-game bugs right now, so this would surely help.


I would rather see a tool for skipping over free roam sequences, with skip it doesn't take that long to power through a PT when needed but when you hit free roams it slows you right down. I loved the murder mystery the first time, now it just makes me wanna cry every time.


Yes please.


Do we have options to clear saves tho?


As long as I can still do my regular saves, I'd be a-okay with something like this

Mike Smith



this is kind of like what happens if you want to start at the beginning of the new update of anther Patreon game called Collage Bound

Crowangel Gaming

not on topic but did you guys (the devs) ever think about doing a sports team or sports team stuff into the story or as mini games.. yes its not the most original idea given some titles attempts but with the fight king stuff ongoing as well it could add much story and rivalry chances especially if members from each house have to either work together or in inter college teams .. against one another, add to that the addition of a sports team cheerleader squad mixing members of both sorority's or possiby an inter gender teams made up of male and female characters.. could very well see a cheer squad made up of Chloe, Lynds, Aubs (Lauren's sister lol forgot name) and others.. while the A Squad features mixes like MC, Riley, Chris, sebastian, ryan, samantha, (mind went blank again - weed smoker girl tom boy type) or whoeever really given a variety of sports possible.. basketball seems to be the common but could try Ice hockey, soccer, college football. baseball etc.. animation or posing logistics aside the 'game's could run/work by multiple choice paths (no rollbacks enabled) so players pick ie.. Dodge left = Succeed Dodge Right = Intercepted as an example, for base ball swing high - hit swing low - miss etc


Only in the beta and not in final product as it will help people test for bugs, errors, ect... for different routes and choices

Jon Bivo

I think this is a great idea, it's a great time saver in my opinion. Also I think it'll be good to hide some options similar to how it is in the scene gallery if there's a problem or concern about spoiling story. I might also add it'll be nice if there's an option to choose boyfriend status with characters like Chloe and Lauren!


boyfriend status and relationships system with most girls even nora and others would be lit it would all have to depend on decision making and something like a "trust slider" ?


I think just having the option is great. Those that don't like it just won't use that option. It's no skin off their back if they don't use it anyways.


10000% yes


I really like this idea. I know, i for one just want to be able to see the kct points so I can determine what I need to do in order to get back to popular, confident or loyal again.

Ken Ikeda Madsen

Great idea! Some elements get a little tiresome once you are on your 6th playthrough eg. the Boat ride Murder mystery. So the option to skip that would be awesome. I vote a big ‘YES!’


It would be interesting if you did implement this feature, especially the KCT locker....the amount of times i have messed it up because i picked too many choices that gave me too much of one stat.....having the ability to lock the stat we want would be a good thing.


This would help my issue where a previous build had the KCT choice and now I'm locked at Confident


I mean I get how this would help but why not just fix saves?


On the Andriode version there was a KCT-piont counter. There cut you see were you was strongest KCT wise and act from there... Currently you can on the phone stats app see if your KCT are confident, loyal ore popular but not how strongly comparre to the others ore how much effert you need to do to change your KCT in the game and maybe add a border to the coises to indicate witch KCT will bennefit from the choise you make... Also make the KCT-borders disable in tha main menu along side the real life mode


Saves are incredibly complex and individual issues. It's almost impossible to fix all saves for us

Hendrik Hirsch

If there was a walktrough categorized by paths, I would already be happy. A pathbuilder sounds even better!


Would The saves be completely gone? I think the path finder is a cool idea but I would still like the choice of being able to play my save. You even said it we couldn’t get to pick ever choice in the path finder. Like I said I like the idea, I just still want the choice of using a save over the path finder.

Timothy Gjerde

While I like the idea, I think you need to leave room for traditional play. Make Pathfinder a startup option.

Ryan Cote

I personally wouldn't want the pathfinder so i agree that it should just be a startup option and let people choose which way to play

Darren Tong

When can I download this program?


The Pathfinder is a wonderful idea. It's not the way I would ever play this game, but it's a great option for people who want to explore every path.