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I was like "this will be easy to wrap up"

This one is obviously a pretty experimental, so I hope it hits ok. Shoutout to actual ASMRtists, because getting the sfx to sound right turned my tits inside out

You'll hear some occasional popping because apparently I don't know how to get a good whisper going without upsetting my mic

Songs (in order): 

Mee- Bathtub of a Monk

Okaya- Textures

Yehezkel Raz- Closing Time

Rate me on my expedition into uncharted territory: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL17IMM0LnTlLd23VnOl-EXVlyJYuodg2Hfv8L3biOeoIWHw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628





Wooop🥳 Cant wait to listen! Many thanks to you

Aaron Araujo

Oh wow! These tags are VERY promising 😄

Aaron Araujo

Absolutely! I loved “Turn Over” for comfort. From the 13:30 mark to around the 30:10 mark it’s quite calming. Just to have the character in the story hold onto you in a time of crisis, it’s a beautiful moment 😌

Keldrich Archer

I was afraid of the ending. Im glad the risk was taken.


I love music in it, makes it much more "real" i would say, well i got something to listen to when i get back from work


This was...something else. Holy moly. How are you so good at this?


This was absolutely amazing, felt like i was on a trip al the way through. Great work!


I've been waiting for you to put out a more ASMR-focused audio for ages and you did an absolutely fantastic job.

Elijah King

I'm new here, I just recently found you on YouTube a few hours ago. The quality of your voice acting and scripts are actually insane comparatively to the bulk of va videos on the platform. No disrespect to the other voice actors on YouTube, voice acting is not an easy job at all, but you and the other va I'm pledged to are truly phenomenal with your craft. I'm sure I'll be enjoying my stay here.


Good golly, this is amazing.


I'm glad! I always want to make more relaxing audios but then I forget myself and end up warbling into the mic like a half-plucked dodo


Thank you so much, I hope I continue to please!! <3 Teacup is amazing, I love how diverse her characters are (and envy her work ethic)!!


This one was just on a whole different level. Think I found my new favorite.


This one was an opus!


That was absolutely mind altering. I feel comforted...aroused...comfroused? Amazing work!