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Hi everyone,

I've been considering options and sitting on things for the better part of a year now and have decided to create a SubscribeStar page.


A few people have asked if I'm on there and, after taking a look and hard think, I've made a page there so that if you prefer to use that platform then you can.

Patreon will continue as always and SubscribeStar will be overwhelmingly identical with only  2 key differences:

  • There are 2 tiers on SubscribeStar - one that gets content at the same time as Soul Pledge (Pink Tier) and a higher tier (Black Tier) if you want to give a little more to support my goal of someday doing this as more than a hobby (this tier also gets all images without captions as an added bonus)!
  • Content such as Search and Consume will resume over there starting from next month (March), alongside other more mind-controll-y type stories - but these will absolutely be a bit sporadic and inconsistent.

So completely up to you, Patreon will continue, let me know any thoughts or questions that you may have.

- Tidy_Fox



Bruce W. Liu

I noticed Pink Stuff made its way into Proton Drive. Was that posted and I missed it or did it sneak through? I only ask because I saw it on SubscribeStar.


Hey you didn't miss anything! I upload on Proton Drive first and then create the Patreon post but sometimes it'll be a day or 2 earlier before creating the Patreon post. Usually when I'm mulling some things in my head or if I want to push out a few more pages... Right now I'm also still just trying to figure out the flow for adding SubscribeStar into that whole logistics chain.

Nixie Tube

So will the delivery method (Proton) be the same at both places? Or will you be able to just post things at SubscribeStar like you used to do at Patreon before the rules change?


Will search and consume still be posted here or is that a subscribestar exclusive? Also which platform would you prefer us to subscribe to?


For all intents and purposes, unfortunately Search and Consume cannot be posted on Patreon due to content moderation rules.


Just one more follow-up. Does this mean that S&C is a subscribe star exclusive or will the pages from it be available in the monthly download?