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Hi everyone,

Want to let you know that I'm working hard on new stories to come out and give a little preview!

These stories are some I'd had planned a while ago and with the whole content guideline thing, it's given me an opportunity to bring them up.

These are all working titles, let me know what you think and which story you're most interested in!

Saint of Steel

In a time of war, a talented soldier finds a blade that grants her incredible power. One that allows her to turn the tides of battle, but with each kill begins to chip away at her heart.

Working Her Out

Allison takes a special potion at the gym to help her exercise and get the figure that she wants.

Ranger Danger

A small band of super heroes fighting off an alien invasion find that the invasion might not be so bad after all!

- Tidy_Fox



Bruce W. Liu

Working Her Out sounds good. Knowing you it'd be something I'm not expecting.


Both Saint of Steel and Ranger Danger sound great


Stains of Steel does sound very interesting, my second choice would be Ranger Danger


Ranger Danger then Saint of Steel sound good.


Ranger danger first then saints of steel

Misty F.

Looking forward to Working Her Out