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I've had some moderate-to-serious creative block over the past couple weeks.

But here's a vampire... not really related to anything. Just makin' stuff for funsies...



m hovis

Let me know if you need ideas? I have a few I'm slowly working on, just don't have the focus you do.


I suggest just taking a break from content creation. Take a week or 2 and just chill out in your off time and catch up on things like movies/games, going out to places, turning in early to bed to catch some extra sleep. Ideas come out of nowhere generally after experiencing a few different events that leave some kind of impact on you. Don't burn yourself out because recovery from that takes a long time. It's OK, go take breaks when the ideas just aren't there. We'll be here waiting to see what cool stuff you'll think up eventually.


Thanks friend! I honestly love hearing ideas and always happy to discuss concepts if you're keen to! I can't start anything new though -gotta work through the stories in my backlog before I can pick up something else!


Thanks Daniel! It's been tough, just super busy and stressful in IRL life. Hopefully should get back on track this week though.

m hovis

I agree with Daniel, as well. You certainly don't want this to become your second RL job. There's a difference between no ideas and just hitting, a rough patch. This needs to be satisfying for you as well as us. Deal with your other job and take a time out.