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Hey everyone, 

I'm really sorry. The past week has been a bit of a kerfuffle. My computer decided to die, I lost a bit of work because of it and also haven't been able to really do any work as well. 

Long story short, Succubus Snacks #2 is going to have to be pushed to next month and I'm very behind on my schedule. ;___;

Silver lining though is that because of your support here on Patreon, it has meant that I've been able to buy a newer, faster computer! 

I literally couldn't have done this without you guys and so as of this afternoon, I've been pretty much all set back up and ready to start madly getting back up to speed!

So I'm sorry things have been delayed, but also at the same time thank you so much everyone for your support!

- Tidy_Fox


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