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Update: 19/02 - Added pages 22 - 27, finishing part 1 and PDF

Update: 17/02 - Added pages 18 - 21

Update 16/02 - Added pages 14 - 17

Update: 15/02 - Added pages 9 - 13

Update: 14/02 - Added pages 5 - 8

Hi everyone!

I've been having some computer issues over the last couple weeks and haven't been able to finish the Valentine's comic. 

It also ballooned out to be larger than I was originally anticipating.

SO instead of releasing it all at once like I originally hoped, I'll be putting out a few pages everyday over the next week for part 1 and release part 2 next month.

I hope you'll enjoy it!




really like the look of this one...

Peter Davidowicz

Patreon is being silly with the full resolution in browser display, not zooming properly on my mobile. Great work!

Jack the Monkey

I'm so happy to see you using rending/photoshop tricks for the transformations. It really makes a difference. Love what you're doing! Keep it up! 😍