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I’m not gonna bull sh!t with you, life isn’t easy. Seems like everything is working against you sometimes, like you’re climbing a hill that has no end….


I quit playing guitar when I was 12 because the action was too high on my dad’s acoustic


Like a chump, I didn't finger the g string for another two years! I’d be on level 420 right now with an extra 730 days of practice!

Just like Metallica, the secret is to keep going. Don't let life’s road blocks stop you, just find another way around

I eventually figured out the C WORD was the answer to my problems. I’m talking about CHUNKING. Breakdown your guitar goals into smaller units to make things manageable. For example, let’s say you’d like to be able to sweep pick at 160 bpm 16th notes. First, you need to learn the basic mechanics of sweeping technique. Then, you’ll need to crack the CAGED System. Finally, use the metronome to work up to speed! Having a structured plan of attack takes you from zero to hero FAST

⭐️ My Neoclassical Metal Music Theory Course below is a systematic approach, guaranteed to get results. This week, we’re targeting the first two segments on the classical scale and how to improvise. Aim for 20 minutes of FOCUSED practice per day with zero distractions to ignite your chops into hyperdrive. It’s time to SHRED Muhahaha!!





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