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Who's interested in being in a band? I've played in cover bands, metal bands, auditioned for Nightwish and even went on tour with Sammy Hagar back in 2019. Below are 3 things I've seen holding bands back over the years

1. Never Practice

Step one to have the worst band ever, never practice. Just have faith… things will work out at your next gig.....muhahahaha

2. Don't Post On Social Media

Step 2, don't post on social media. YouTube and Instagram is just a fad anyways. Plus, who needs marketing when your talented as fuck

3. Write Sh!t Songs

Step 3, write the worst songs you possibly can. Forget about music theory, songwriting is for noobs. Just feel it when you're in the studio and you'll make a hit record. Writing good music is a core component of having a successful band. 

Many people fail to understand music is a discipline you can improve at, just like anything else. It's not about waiting for inspiration to strike. You can actively improve your riffs and licks by learning music theory and composition. Below is a massive resource to bolster your music theory knowledge. This course will teach you 50 plus songs and imbed good songwriting skills into your fingers. It's not just about being able to play a great line but understanding why it works. You'll also learn how to read music, intervals, scales, chords, the modes, ear training and so much more!

🛑 Music Theory For Guitarists



Worst band ever


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