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Ever wonder how classical composers developed their style? I simply can’t get enough of that classical sound, especially in a minor key! Using music theory, we can categorize neoclassical metal in 3 steps

1. Harmonic Minor Scale

Step one, use the B Harmonic Minor Scale B-C#-D-E-F#-G-A#. The leading tone or raised 7TH degree sets this scale apart from a regular minor scale. Now we can have a major V chord and even fully diminished 7TH chords! 

2. Classical Chords
Using Bach’s Cadential 6/4 sequence, we can create a delicious classical chord progression that gets the babes all wound up Bm/F#-F#sus-F#-Bm

3. Scale + Chords

Combine the scale and chords to develop musical ideas. In the attached Etude below, I sketched out the tones from the classical chords in a melodic fashion. Harmony, melody and rhythm create a complete musical picture 

Get the full tab below!! 


Neoclassical Metal in 3 steps