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Is there a superior way to practice? A supercharged routine that ignites your growth?

The answer is yes!

Target key areas to trigger massive musical growth. We do this by having a structured plan. If you're feeling uninspired or just don't have the motivation anymore, try this. Let's say you have 30 minutes to practice. Break down the task into 5 minute segments, covering the most important topics.


1. Start your session off with a quick win. A simple warmup routine that isn't challenging and serves to get the blood flowing. Establishing momentum helps associate positive emotions with the act of practicing.


2. After warming up, try learning a new idea. The emotional rush from your quick win creates an enhanced state of focus. The new idea could be a scale, chord progression, song or technique.


3. The best way to retain what you've learned is to apply it. Improvising to a drone is a creative exercise that will help solidify your new knowledge. Don't be afraid to make the concept your own and experiment


4. Playing songs is an important part of being a musician. Popular repertoire helps strengthen our technique and get comfortable with common musical ideas. Focus on the most important aspect of the track. A main riff or lick, for example. Don't worry about learning the entire song...it's better to learn small parts of many songs.


5. Music theory is an essential aspect of every practice routine. Analyze songs by figuring out the key, scales used and chord progression. If you're more advanced, try making your own version songs using music theory. Some ideas to try are changing the style of the song, or modifying the notes to fit a different scale. This is a great way to generate original concepts for your own music.


6. Close out your practice session by letting off some steam. Reward yourself for a productive practice session with free play to invigorate the spirit. Jam over a track, allowing your musical intuition to guide you. Develop your own style through experimentation. Try improvising over a chord progression using original licks and techniques. The main goal here is to have fun!

Below is a sample practice routine on the intermediate level (tab below)

1. Legato Warm Up

2. G Dorian Chords

3. Drone Improv

4. Crazy Train

5. Sane Train

6. G Dorian Improv

🛑 Improv Track




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