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Samuel followed Mrs. De Fiore through many corridors inside the mansion until the older woman finally stopped in front of a wide door. 

"Let's get inside, my dear" Mrs. D Fiore said. "Don't be afraid. This is just my office."

The place was elegant and spacious, with antique furniture and classy paintings. However, Samuel only noticed all that later because the first thing that caught his eye when he walked into the office was the fact that someone was already there. 

"Samantha, this is Marco Abano, a dear friend of mine. He was eager to finally meet you!"

"N-nice to meet you, sir" Samuel said, extending his delicate hand to the man. 

Marco was in his early thirties. He was very tall and had a fit body. His hair was dark brown, and his face was very manly, with deep green eyes and an angular jaw. he was wearing a posh navy blue suit. 

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Samantha" he said, kissing Samuel's hand to the surprise of the feminized man. "But please, you don't need to call me sir. I like to think that I still am a young man."

"Okay, sir! I mean... Marco! In this case, you can just call me Samantha, as well" Samuel said, smiling nervously and unconsciously batting her eyelashes."

"Oh, you two are great together!" Mrs. De Fiore said, in one of the rare moments when Samuel saw her smiling. "But remember you're not here to flirt with my beautiful pupil, Marco! At least not right now..."

"Umm... I still don't understand what's going on, Ma'am" Samuel said, desperately trying to change the subject, and also bothered by the fact and that Marco was still holding his hand. 

"I'll explain in a minute, my darling. But first, let's drink something."

She then picked up a bottle of wine that looked very expensive. Marco approached immediately, helping her to open the bottle and then served three glasses. 

"Thank you, Ma'am, but I think I've already drunk enough tonight" Samuel said.

"Don't be shy, my dear. Just one glass won't hurt you. And this wine is superb! You just have to try it!"

Without choice, Samuel sipped the drink, fearful, but he had to admit that the woman was right. The wine was truly wonderfull.

"Now let's sit down a talk a little, shall we? Well, Samantha, Marco here is the owner of one of the country's most famous clothing brands, and he's about to launch a new collection. He told me that he was looking for a model with very specific characteristics for the collection, but he wasn't having any luck in his search. When he told me what he needed, I immediately thought of you. Then, I showed him some of your pictures... And let's say he got very excited about what he saw."

"That's absolutely true, Samantha" Marco said. "I can see that you're a very, very talented model! Also, you have the kind of mysterious and exotic beauty I'm looking for. I liked you so much that after seeing your photos I stooped my searches right away. You're the perfect girl for my collection, and I would like to make you a job offer!"

Samuel looked at Marco and Mrs. De Fiore completely astonished. Was that really happening? He was used to being a model in college, sure, but now this was completely different... Marco wanted him to be a professional model, and his face, his feminized face, would probably be known across the country! Was Samuel that good? He didn't know, but it didn't matter. There was no way he was going to take that job, of course. It was too much! But how was he going to say that to Mrs. De Fiore and Marco? He wondered, distressed...



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