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So , My Dear Patrons , Barbara is here !  

She has as always advanced colliders suited for oral fun ,  4k and 8k textures :) Also i can include 2k textures if need , but no one ever ask about it so i don't sure is it needed.

 Her paw pads are not in this release , because there was a couple of clipping problems with her nails that need to be fixed , to make it work . 

  For model setup please look on step by step guide :)

 So for next Barbara releases i plan to 

- Finish  her pawpads and bigger nails and claws on legs 

- Add two more color schemes of  doberman breed 

- Make digitrade morph for her legs 

Also i am aware there is some problems with tail . VAM rig in certain positions morphs hip area too much on surface , so tail will stick out and will "float in air". 

 it cannot be solved fully . in that cases you need just adjust its position by hand ^__^ 

 I will try maybe one more option in later versions , but cant guarantee that this problem will be solved .

 Sadly it is current VAM limitations :)


 Again thank you all for your support , and patience in this hard times ! It means so much to me !




Well done. I particularly like your commitment to details like the colliders. Much appreciated. Thanks.


This is really great. One thing I'd like to see a alternate choice for his her ears, they wave around a lot like hair underwater, a stiffer option would be perfect. But Great work and thanks.


Well i can just add this asset separatly . i can make it with 2 more levels of stiffness. on slow scenes - super rigid looks too stiff.. on fast movement - too sluggish . Ok ? :)