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There have been several Alpha versions created, and a Beta version is being compiled. I have worked on 3.0 daily since the last post with an occasional day away taking care of the baby.

I want you all to know that I appreciate each and everyone of you, again I know this may sound redundant because nearly every post contains something similar, however because of my RL circumstances, your support is more vital than ever right now. I needed you all to know how much I appreciate the support, and to alert you that 3.0 is still in progress and has never left development.

We've reached just shy of 3000 hours now. Not counting tech support. I can't believe I've worked on this for so long. I've never encountered content that required this much trial and error, and constant testing and changes. I do this for you, my supporters now after all this time, because we need you, and I will not give on providing you all of the value I possibly can while I am capable of doing so. 

Lefein & Sheryl (and children)



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