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Sorry to not post yesterday, it was a rough day 🙁. Although my father is getting better, they said that everything they can do for him are "patches", they used litterally that word 🙁 He has the liver extremely damaged, now he will be better, go to home and improve and in some time, weeks, months... there we go again, being again sick and we begin again 😔 There is a little possibility to really get better, but... it's very small. For now he will be in the hospital at least this week and the next one. After that... we don't know 😔  Tomorrow probably I can't post an update, my father has another punction in the lug and with the problems of the liver, a procedure that for other person would be safe for him has a risk of... well, you know. But for now I will try to update at least 3 or 4 times per week, at least while I can, and I continue working in commission, more slow, because the work in remote isn't the best, but... when I can, mostly in the night I try to work. The worse part is maybe the stories, I guess you can imagine now it isn't the best moment to use the imagination. But as I said, I really appreciate you support me, people, and your patience, even in these rough times. You are the best 👏



Family always comes first. My Dad was my best friend growing up. Your place is with him and I'm sure he appreciates you being there with him.

doktor gummi

this is how it happens, livers are difficult, but they do have a regenerative capability. I don't know which country you are in but in the UK the resources for those who look after unwell relatives are at www.carers.org


Thank you. I'm sure your relationship with your dad was amazing, that is always good. We didn't "fit" too much, but definitely for some things he was the who I trust. And it's very hard to see him this way, so... Weak 😔


Yeah, the livers are a big pain in the ass when going wrong. I remember a documentary calling it the "chemical factory and water cleaner" of the body, and when it goes bad... Lugs, kidneys, belly... Everything goes bad. In this case, his liver is far away to the generative skills, it's too damaged 😔

doktor gummi

My sister used to run a "hospice" in a remote corner of the UK. Remote enough that Princess Diana used to come and visit, incognito, and spend a nice day caring for and chatting with the patients - mostly wizened little old ladies. This was perfectly safe for Di, because when the old ladies told their relatives "Lady DI was here last week" the relatives would nod wisely and say "yes dear of course she was..." It's that old thing about living well, right up to the end. Don't let the hospital characterise your father's options in terms of a grim, drawn-out battle: consider if you can make use of this kind of supported living, and what impact that has on your father's quality of life. And remember: YOU ARE THE EMPOWERED PERSON HERE. Not the physicians, not even the patient: you get to make the decisions. Sure, it can be hard, but not as hard as those matters being taken out of your grasp.