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Your tinder date said she likes to go "donkey mode" during sex because it feels better. "Is that okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, sure!" you say. You've never heard of donkey mode. You assume it's a new sex position. You've been out of the game for awhile.

She takes off her pants. "Don't want to ruin them," she says. "Thanks again for letting me go donkey mode. Not that many are comfortable with it."

What does she mean by that?

You quickly find out what donkey mode means. You were so wrong. Fur starts sprouting all over her body. Her nostrils flare and then her face elongates into a snout. Her ears migrate upward and lengthen. Her anus quivers, darkens, and swells to a comical size. A tail sprouts above her huge butthole. Her ass is getting bigger.

She's braying and snorting the whole time she transforms.

"Heeee-hAWWWW. Okay. Let's fuck," she says to you in an deep, animalistic voice.

You are so confused. You feel like you should be disturbed but for some reason you are insanely aroused.

Am I about to have sex with a...weredonkey? What the hell? Fuck it.



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