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Twitter's launching new customer service tools for companies. Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt talk about what we as consumers want from online customer service. Plus Google outs a Windows exploit and Instagram makes shopping easier.




Fixed! Apologies for that


No worries, instead of it downloading shortly after I got home so I could listen on my morning commute it downloaded overnight for me to listen on my morning commute.


Re: Post show - Texting before calling. Last week I called a friend out of the blue just to chat without texting first and I felt weird about it. When they picked up I apologized and asked if it was a bad time. Now that I think about it I used to call my friends like this all the time without issue. I wonder when that mental switch happened. It's not something I've ever actively thought about. The only person I feel comfortable calling first now is my boyfriend but that's just because we live together. - Harrihu Inkpen


Right? It was something I just noticed I was doing one day. It just happened.