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Hey, I don't know if Patreon informs you guys when theres changes to this page but just in case: I'm going to be playing around with some new reward tiers and goals over the next few days. None of the stuff your currently entitled to will be changed and if you have anything you'd like to suggest go ahead and let me know.

Much love


Matthew Abbott

I don’t believe patrons get notified of reward changes, so thanks for the heads up


I never got notified the last time you changed, so I think it doesn't tell us. I can't think of any good reward suggestions.


Or wait - how about this - once every month, three months, or twice a year, however you want to arrange it, every patron of every level is entered into a raffle. The prize being either a chance to be in a livestream with you shooting the bull or if they can't do the livestream, they get a guaranteed request, even if they're not top tier. (And an extra request for those winners who are already in the request tier.) I realize this could be hard to arrange which is why I think every three months or twice a year is the better choices.




I think that The Don should stick with his plan of making that his last review, his magnum opus. There isn’t really anything higher afterwards and I would worry that he’d “peak” and lose interest in other stuff that’s on the level of Babe.


Since the “choose a thing to review” pledge levels are so difficult to get into, and are creating a huge backlog for you, why not have a pledge level for a “viewer’s choice” review. Once every month or two, everyone at that level gets to vote from a list of works you’ve selected for what will be reviewed next. That way, people get to see what they want without you getting overwhelmed by more requests. Honestly, I’d be okay if the whole “request a thing to review” got phased out in favor of just doing that.


Oh course they don't inform us, you silly The Dom.


Thanks for the heads up!

Jo and Gareth

(Crosses fingers that someone goes from $25 to $40 so I can jump up a tier.)

Jo and Gareth

Suddenly I’m feeling unbelievably beautiful.


Maybe post a list of the reviews your planning to do soon, like the top ten or something. (obviously not in order encase it changes) so that if a viewer wants to read the book or watch the movie before seeing your LIA they have a heads up?