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I literally have no excuse as to why I'm slow with creating content and I am sorry, I'll try to bring something to Patreon tomorrow night, hope you guys are doing well by the way.



It's okay Leto :) Sometimes we all get creative blocks for no reason. Don't burn yourself out trying to please others, because if you do that, in the end no one will be satisfied


Thank you, I just hate rushing to produce something if I don't have a good concept, but I got some WIPs of projects with a concept I currently like and I hope you guys will like it too <3


That's not true, though. With the current stuff going on with moving, you've at least got that on your plate, and probably other things too. But you've been working on things, so there's that~

Killer Space

It's all good, Leto, you do what you can and we love you for it! And I'm doing really good, thank you for asking, I hope all is well for you too!


Try not to make yourself feel like you need to pump out as much content as others do, greatness takes time.


At the end of the day we all do our best work when having fun. Better for you to do a picture you enjoyed doing than 10 you didnt =)


You put out more content than others I follow! Work at your own pace.


youre doing the best you can and thats as much as we can expect from you, and people who complain just gotta accept that. You being slow at uploads now and then arent the end of the world either <3