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So I decided to draw Robin Hood and ended up with 3 results which I need your help with!

I don't feel like making alternative versions so I will only be finishing one of these 3.

It's up to you which one you want to see finished!



Come on option 2!


I'm gonna leave this up for few hours, I'm kinda hoping the option 2 wins, I like it the most! <3


I'd have to say 1 is my favourite. The second one would be perfect if he still had the tunic on for that bottomlessness.


I like #2 so I hope that one is chosen. :3


Also, Nick Wilde>Robin Hood. Anyone who disagrees can fite me. >:(


If 3 doesn't win I'll be pretty surprised, honestly. You know how furries are xP

Rex Wolf

Rooting for option 2.


Too bad there isn't an option 4, with tunic, stretch, no fluids. That'd be the best.


So you are going to finish one. but can we get all three line works with out water marks when you are done? they all do it for me and I need them all

Skiffer Blackpaw

It’s hard to choose between 2 and 3, though for me it would be perfect if he were spreading but without cum.


Eh reason why I'm not much of a fan of number 3 is because I struggle drawing the hand plus I'm not a huge fan of fluids in the butthole since it tend to hide it and the fluids become a distraction, I like 2 because it's just in between 1 and 3, like he undressed completely but kept his had and that makes it more erotic, I tried having the dong out on the option #1 but didn't feel like it belonged because of the concept I'm going with!


Leto how are you like... able to come up with ideas that push so many of my buttons? Seriously you're my art idol. ;A; Personally I would have liked a tunic on but the shoes off version. But the options we have are good!


Ah... too late. :( But my favourite has won! :) Also: Robin Hood is a childhood crush. ^-^