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Give him a stiletto pump to the face! I mean, that mummy's old enough, maybe he's so decrepit even that might buy you enough time to escape.. ?

John King

Creeping softly through the silent tomb, not for the first time, young Ciara questioned the wisdom of her clothing selecting for the exploration. The tapping of her heels on the stone floor sounded like gun shots to her straining ears, and even the soft swish of her pantyhose as her lovely thighs rubbed against each other with every step sounded perilously loud when her every brain cell screamed for "stealth!". Stopping short, she listened hard, sure that she detected quiet movement somewhere nearby. She listened for a long moment, but all she could hear was her own throbbing heartbeat as it reached a near racing rate! Finally, deciding that it was her fear playing tricks on her, she began to move forward again. As she passed through a doorway, there suddenly appeared a dark shape looming in front of her. With surprising speed, she felt the mummies powerful fingers close around her soft throat, and she felt herself being lifted by the throat well off the floor. The shock was so sudden that her gun slipped from her hand as it reflexively flew to pry at the mummy's grip. As if mocking her, she was still aware of the now rapidly swishing pantyhose as her legs desperately kicked and stretched, trying to find any purchase for her feet that might aide her in her struggle. "Oh God!" she thought to herself, "This can't be happening! I can't die down here! Not like this!" She pried as hard as she could with both hands against the mummy's grip. She kicked and kicked against his body, but the only thing she accomplished was to ruin her expensive shoes. The mummy watched her intently, watching as her kicking slowed, and her hands dropped uselessly to her side. Ciara was just starting to feel the sense of rising euphoria that accompanies hypoxia and felt the stirring in her loins that foretells of a final pleasure approaching and begins to long for at least that compensation for her predicament, but cocking his head, the mummy denies her even that, and with a quick flip of his wrist he snaps Ciara's sexy neck as if it were a dry twig! Instantly, her slender but shapely body goes completely limp. Seeing the light go out in her eyes, he suddenly loses interest and releases his grip, allowing her body to drop in a heap on the cold, hard floor. Others will deal with her remains. Long dead, her charms hold no further appeal for him, only a mockery of his past life that he cannot allow to wander uninvited in his domain.