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We made our decision. Our choice was to leave the Karhid Caves together. Fissyah and I would continue on, without Oblec or Lire, to a Forminium city. It was further away from the Dark Empire. We’d be safe there. They were ant-like people who were as much against the God King as we were. Also, they could supposedly help us find a way to the surface.

I believed it. If they really were like giant ants— as I was imagining them to be— I was certain they could just dig their way out of the Hollowdark. Only possible problem there was that Fissyah was a Gremlin. They didn’t take too kindly to… outsiders.

(In other words, they were somewhat racist!)

But I guess it was fair to be cautious when you were actively at war with an empire many times your size.

Fissyah and I met up with Bob alongside Oblec and Lire. We stood just outside his Dungeon as we bade farewell to the three of them.

“Thank you for everything, Oblec,” Fissyah said, bowing her head.

“Yeah! We wouldn’t even be alive if not for you!” I bounced up and down in agreement.

The bearded Gremlin teared up as he tried to muster up a reply. “I-I… of course— it’s only to be expected for one of my kin.”

“Wait, what about me?!” Bob sputtered. He crossed his arms, glaring over at Oblec. “ I helped you guys out too!”

I chuckled, facing the skeleton. “And you too, Lich Lord Bob. We are truly grateful for everything you’ve done for us.”

His skull-like face was literally incapable of changing. But he somehow beamed, his eyes lighting up. “Nothing less from someone as esteemed as myself.”

“Oh shut up, you thief. All you do is steal from others.” Oblec snorted.

“I told you, I no longer have your Arctic Wand! I gave it to Fissyah!” the Lich Lord protested.

“Good! She deserves to have it, unlike you—”

Fissyah scratched the back of her head as she watched them bicker. I just patted her on the shoulder, speaking reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, it’s just banter,” I said. “There’s no need to feel bad.”

“Shut your yapping, you damn old man. I did you a favor and this is how you repay me?”

“What are you going to do about it, you stupid thieving skeleton?”

I stared at the Lich Lord and the bearded Gremlin as their arguing grew more intense. I ushered Fissyah back apprehensively.

“...I think. But just to be safe, let’s scootch away a bit.”

“Good idea,” the girl said.

Bob and Oblec’s bickering continued right until Lire hopped in between the two of them, cooling them both off. Nice Lire, I thought as the three of them turned back to Fissyah and I.

The bearded Gremlin cleared his throat, approaching us. “Before you leave, I have a parting gift for you.”

“Don’t you mean we have a parting gift?” Bob piped up, and Oblec shot him a glare.

“Yes, we made this for you. We used the Drake Hide we found at the Shadow Inquisitor’s hideout to make it. Here you go.”

Her eyes widened as he produced a black cloth that hung around his forearms. He handed it to her, and Fissyah stared.

“This is…”

“Robes,” Oblec said. “Befitting that of a Shaman.”

[Mystical Shaman Robes (B Grade) - Robes made from Drake Hide. Light and stronger than metal, it offers superior defense to all physical attacks and medium defense to magical attacks.]

“I-I… this is too much—” the girl started.

“It isn’t. Please, don’t worry too much about it.” The bearded Gremlin smiled kindly, reassuring her.

Bob, meanwhile, just rolled his non-existent eyes. “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it. I’ve been looking for a new pair of robes to replace my old ones.”

“Don’t you dare.” I leapt in front of him threateningly. “That’s Fissy’s and Fissy’s alone.”

“It was a joke, a joke…” He backed up.

I turned to the girl and offered her the best smile I could— even though I had no face. “Fissy, just take it. It’s rude not to accept gifts. And it’s something to help you remember Oblec and Bob by.”

“I…” she trailed off. Fissyah looked up at both the bearded Gremlin and the Lich Lord. They met her gaze with kind expressions.

“Try it on,” they said in unison. Then they both scowled when they realized they’d both said the same thing.

“R-right.” Fissyah quickly adorned the Mystical Shaman Robes. She pulled the black cloth over her arms— its sleeves long and baggy at her forearms, but thinner and more appropriately fit at the shoulders. The robes were held together by a belt sewn onto the material, and it completely covered the ragged clothing the girl had been wearing the whole time.

Honestly, it reminded me of a bit of a bathrobe. Or those traditional Japanese attires. Except, slightly oversized so to fit FIssyah when she grew older. It was delicately interlaced with tessellated diamonds lining the fringe of the cloth.

I beamed at the girl as she looked down at herself. “You look wonderful!”

“Y-you think?” She flushed, and I eagerly bobbed my body.

“Yeah! You look just like a Shaman! Seriously, you’re so cool!”

Fissyah’s eyes went round as she admired herself. She did a happy spin before coming to a stop. She looked towards the bearded Gremlin and Lich Lord who were smiling at her. Clearing her throat, she bowed deeply.

“Thank you so much. I will never forget this. Really… thank you.”

The pair exchanged a glance. And for the first time since they’d interacted today, they agreed with each other.

“It was my pleasure,” Bob said with the usual smirk on his skull-face.

Oblec lowered his head. “I am grateful to have met you both, Violet, Fissyah. It was only a few months, but I will miss your antics with all my heart. I wish you two all the best in your journey from here.”

I bounced up and down excitedly in response. “Don’t worry, we’ll find that Forminium city in no time! So don’t worry too much about us!”

Fissyah herself teared up. She wiped away the teardrops sliding down her cheeks with her black sleeves and straightened.

“I promise, one day we’ll return,” she said as she looked between them. Then her gaze settled on Oblec. “When we’re stronger. When we’re able to face the Dark Empire with our strength. And we’ll pay you both back for everything you’ve done for us.”

I looked on proudly at Fissyah— at how much she had grown in such a short amount of time. Or perhaps it had been a while. For her. After all, the life of a Goblin was short. And her life this far had been even shorter. These past few months here in the Karhid Caves would be some of the most important of her formative life.

A squeak drew my gaze to the side. A little glowing figure hopped indignantly, demanding to attract our attention too. Lire, the Shrouded Slime, waited in anticipation for her farewell greeting from Fissyah and I.

“Nn!” she said.

“Aw, we didn’t forget about you.” Fissyah brought a hand out and patted her. “I’ll miss you too, Lire.”

The Shrouded Slime didn’t say anything, but she clearly took her time to indulge in the patting for far longer than usual. Even though she didn’t have a face, I could see the sadness in her movements. It was evident she was going to miss us.

Fissyah pulled away from Lire, and I slid up to her. “I’ll miss you too, fellow Slime buddy.”

I produced an appendage, holding it before her expectantly. I waited without giving her any verbal cues, and she intuitively responded by producing a little nub of her own. We bumped ‘fists’ and I laughed.

“Booyah! And this is why I’ll miss you the most.”

“Hey!” Oblec protested. “That’s fair, but at least say that where I’m out of earshot.”

I scoffed and spoke in a low— but still audible to those around us— voice to Lire. “I think you’re much cooler than Oblec and Bob. I mean, what kind of a name is Bob, anyway?”

The Lich Lord just gave me a flat stare. The Shrouded Slime brightened and bounced up and down.


With that final sagely advice from Lire, Fissyah and I took our leave. We bade our farewells to the three of them, leaving the Lair of the Lich Lord behind as we began our search for the Forminium city. Beyond the Karhid Caves. Fissyah and I waved one last time at Oblec, Bob, and Lire as they disappeared from view.

“Goodbye!” we called out to them.

And we started the next part of our journey.

Author's Notes:

Going to be a tiny bit busy over the weekend. Will try to get the Salvos chap out by Sunday.



Ah hell yeah violet

Karma Baris

awwww so sweet, gotta love the heartfelt moments