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(Removed for KU)


Sean Hibbitt

Awe, she's growing as a mother :)

David Brims

I feel like it's just as well these are Wyverns. Most creatures would not survive Willy and Salvos' method of parenting.

Alexey Gladkich

Unlike humans, most animals have fairly developed newborns. Something about being able to survive in the wild.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.



Yeno Memevig

Ah fuck Salvos is learning responsibility...the world really is doomed


Not gonna lie. I may be in the minority here, but I’m not a fan of this whole “salvos runs off into the wilderness and away from the main plot to raise wyverns” arc that’s going on. Hope it doesn’t drag out too much :T

Alexey Gladkich

It serves a good opportunity to flesh out other characters without Salvos' presence. Not all character development should happen with her around. Plus, we get to see Salvos-mama! What's wrong with that? How is that not the main plot?

David Brims

Yeah, that's true. But I feel like even most animals would not survive Willy and Salvos' method of parenting!


Okay they've got to meet the corrupting grandpa


Ok, this is my favorite chapter among the last 10 or so. It's a breath of fresh air pacing-wise, and I really liked the visit.

Alexey Gladkich

Hmm... perhaps. But as far as I understand they simply let the Wyverns' instincts direct them - with just some guidance and extra safety from the side. This isn't ideal but it's not a straight up wrong way to do so.

Anime Problem

I think this is more set up for the end game this is going to alter her next class advancement and she is potentially reintroducing dragons if she can get them to level 200


One more experience for Salvos about mortals huh. This is quite nice. She have companions, a dad and now 3 kids of her own. She even have a job! Just need to bring her kids to her house, Lair, and she will get the stranger mortal experience ever.