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(Removed for KU)



I mean, if you're going to Protect The World from the Corruption, you need to be able to identify Threats before they can get out of hand. God Senses is a good tool for that.


The speed of sound must be immense in that world, or her senses are divination based and not physical. Nice chapter!

Nicholas Paterson

Some quick edits: “Give a second— come on, -> "Give me a second I could see either everything at once, and that meant I saw nothing. -> (the "either" feels out of place here.)

Karma Baris

I'm excited for a fight Salvos doesn't do everything


It's basically divination in that it comes from a divine source. It's basically just a massive ongoing scrying spell but replacing her senses instead of scrying into or through something.


Not at all what I expected from the skill though. Unless there's potentially more to it. It might have been responding to her need for tracking or something along those lines.

Melting Sky

It seemed like the skill required divine essence to function and it was barely within her means to power it, and once she did, she was barely able to deal with the results. Judging by the fact it increased how pronounced her other draconic features such as her scales were, I'm guessing the skill is an attempt at a temporary partial manifestation of becoming a dragon and it will become more complete the more she levels it up and the more control she has over her divine essence. It will be very interesting to see how it is affected by her divine essence grand skill.


Ah, the good ol' superman issue. By the time Faith's screams reach Salvos's ears, Faith is already dead :D Jokes aside, yeah it's very probably divination based.


That was nice. Saying no one could win agaisnt this trio only for the next moment we see Salvos getting too much information overload, it is fun. I like the effects of Manifestation.


I think it is safe to say she now needs to raise her endurance and wisdom to handle that skill.


Question: since Salvos second class has reached lv100 doesn't that mean she gets access to a new class? Or am I remembering that wrong?

Alexey Gladkich

Nope, nobody ever mentioned conditions for 3rd class or whether there are people with 3 classes at all. Perhaps at lvl 200? Or once she ascends?

dror raz

There were too many “but” in this chapter if you ask me oh well