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Draconic aprentices would be the best, but the posibility of archmistic seams more likely, though I would prefer the former.


Dragon apprentice! Dragon apprentice! Dragon apprentice! Demon dragon lady of the void!


Okay am I the only one who thinks it's not gonna be dragon apprentice?


I honestly kept having doubts after I made my initial post lol. It could very well be Younger Sentinel of Spacetime. The only reason I thought it wouldn't be at first was the "That was Daniel’s job, not mine" line, but the "It promised to give me what I needed to protect those I cared about, and more" line makes me unsure.


The it's Daniel's job just sounds like a cop out. The real reason is that she doesn't want to be a hero It goes against her pride (proud to be like I don't care about the world only my friends) but her friends (companions) care so there is a limit to how long she can keep this attitude which is why I believe this is supposed to be that moment of character growth On another note, I just realized ... the title ...


What about the title? It's just eluding to the flashback at the start of the chapter, no?


I'm hoping for younger sentinel, but the dragon one definitely feels cool. Either way the skill growth/changes are always fun to read


I mean yeah but the particular phrasing could also be a hint at the advancement




Damn, this was so nice. Thanks for the chapter. I really enjoy when Salvos's Pride takes a hit; it just makes her grow more as a Demon.


I wasn't sure at first, but after some thinking, yeah, I really don't think she is going to choose that.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Melting Sky

It doesn't go against her sense of pride but rather her natural self-centeredness, and one of Salvos's long-standing character arcs is her gradual growth towards broadening her worldview and becoming less self-centered. Unless I have grossly misread the foreshadowing the choice will be Younger Sentinel of Space Time. It is the obvious next step toward her apotheosis which has been heavily foreshadowed for quite some time now. I mean just look at what her grand skills are called and how she earned them. She earned them by pushing beyond her limits in order to save both her companions and herself from imminent death and in doing so she became something more than she was before. The one thing all of the Great Demons have in common and which sets them apart from their lesser ilk is that each grew as individuals to value something beyond themselves and their own existence. Whether it is the Demon King, Belzu, Salvos or the Devil each of these Great Demons that stepped beyond the limits of the rest of their kind have something they value beyond just their own survival. Self-interest can only take one so far. A wild demon is a completely egocentric being that will never have any goal or desire greater than its own survival. Thus it will never intentionally put itself in the sort of situations that have pushed Salvos to take on tasks that are beyond her abilities forcing her to either break through her former limits or die trying. A more selfish demon would never have put their life in jeopardy and fought that Ancient Sentinel to the death. It would have fled and left everyone else to die without a second thought. The same can be said of Belzu and his rebellion against the demon king. A wild demon would never have organized a vast multi-planar rebellion to free its kind from the Demon King's enslavement. What made Belzu rise above his brethren was his wider worldview, his ambition, his drive to become something more than just another tool in the demon king's arsenal. The fact he valued something beyond just his own survival is what pushed him to take on challenges that are beyond him and like Salvos he forced himself to either rise to those challenges or die trying. This is completely unlike a typical demon that would have just valued their own survival and fallen into line under the Demon King. The thing that makes Salvos, Belzu, The Demon King, and The Devil so different from the rest of their kind is that each has grown beyond the narrow, simplistic, and ego-centric worldview inherent to their kind. Each has, in one way or another, forged connections with others outside of themselves. Each has been forced through those connections and broader values to fight on through obstacles and situations a more self-centered being would have simply avoided, and each have grown to be something more as a result of it.


While I agree with your view on salvos and that it's more about being self centered than pride. The more general assertion about the topic regarding "Great Demons" as you said is something I disagree with. Mostly since we haven't seen any clear indication that the devil truly cares about more than himself so far and the bigger reason is the beast. The beast being the most powerful demon in existence as far as we know and being fully wild if I'm not wrong. Rather then being something they share it's something that distinguishes salvos among them I think ... even belzu and regnorex tend to be close minded when it comes to their goals. Belzu never considered teaming up with humans and regnorex simply wants to rule everything (probably even if it's a sinking ship) it's why the spirits and demons fight in the first place rather then try to save the nexeus. But salvos has been shown to more and more fight for other people and in this moment might even go against herself for other people something even during the ancient sentinel fight she didn't really do since it was more that she always was fighting enemys far above herself back with lucerna already. Back then I was kinda sad that her grand skill was something so deeply self centered but at this point its more that she needed more time to truly look beyond herself.


Immortal moment. I love TWI. Should probably start reading again, haven't since about halfway into the icicle incident, so there's probably half a million words or so unread at this point, if not more. I am curios as to which class she chooses. [Younger Sentinel of Spacetime] seems the least likely, since she's all about pride and doesn't think it suits her and the two planar ones both have a negative though. I think she will go for the dragon one, although it may turn out to be too risky.


You mentioned the beast being the most powerful demon despite being wild, I think that can be put down to age. It could well be many many times older than the demon king or even the devil as we have no clue on the beasts time scale. This would allow it a ludicrous amount of time to get stronger as a one in a billion prodigy of wild demons.


I really liked this chapter, keep it up. Title though, not so much if it's a spoiler.