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Author's Notes:

A five parter published as one. Why didn't I upload each part individually? Well, that's because I feel like it would be better as an all-in-one. Anyway, enjoy this bulk of chapters.

341-345. Champion Part 1-5


The Remembered Order Company was one of the Three Honorable Companies of the Human lands. That meant that they were one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. On their own, they were greater than any smaller nation in might, and with all the Three Honorable Companies combined, they rivaled even the greatest empire in the Human lands today.

Yet, this army was all that they managed to muster up. Barely even a hundred thousand adventurers heeded the call of the Remembered Order Company. Mori Gladius didn’t believe it at first. He thought more would’ve come to their aid. But no.

It was a startling wake up call to the leader of the Remembered Order Company. Just a few hundred years ago, they’d been able to amass half a million adventurers at the same time during their war with the Forsaken Company. Half a million. And many of them were far higher-leveled than the soldiers you’d find in an ordinary army.

Throughout the course of that war, the number of adventurers they’d called upon likely numbered in over a million. It was a war that had taken so many lives— pointless deaths. Perhaps that was why so few adventurers listened to the Remembered Order Company now. They had once been a selfish organization that only cared to bolster its own position. This only changed with the previous leadership— Mori’s Master. The previous leader of the Remembered Order Company.

The Watcher. Before the Watcher had become reclusive, he’d been in charge of the Remembered Order Company. He’d made many great reforms that changed the very principles and foundations of their philosophy. And Mori Gladius was proud to have been mentored by the Watcher, taking on the responsibility of upholding these principles of honor and justice for the company.

But it seemed that over a thousand years of having the same reputation meant that it persisted, even if it was no longer true. Mori Gladius could speculate all he wanted, but it changed nothing. The only thing he could do to bring more adventurers to their cause was to offer rewards. Gold, artifacts, power.

It was tedious, but that was why the adventurers in his army came. He’d sent his second-in-command to gather more adventurers from beyond the Eastern Kingdoms, however this would be the bulk of their forces.

And here they were, charging straight into the fray. They had no backup. No support. Nothing. Westshield was being razed to the ground by the Primeval Demon, and Mori Gladius was going to do everything in his power to save as many innocent lives as he could.

There was a roar. A Drake charged through the streets of Westshield, chasing a little girl carrying a doll. She screamed as the Drake’s maw drew closer to her.

“Get back!”

Mori yelled as he leapt forward. He thrusted his glinting spear, impaling the Drake before it could clamp its maws around the little girl. The Drake fell, and Mor Gladius carried the girl back.

“Are you alright?”

He set her down next to a group of adventurers from his company. She looked up at him, eyes welling up.

“M-my mama… she was right behind me…”

She managed to start out. Mori Gladius pursed his lips. He turned to one of the adventurers closest to him. Another Elite. Scarlet the Red Rose. A Level 151 [Rogue]. Mori spoke to her as he drew back.

“Protect the girl. I’ll find her mother.”

“But Sir—”

He didn’t listen. He was running off further into the city in an instant. He left behind his entourage of Diamond Ranked adventurers, pressing further on into the raging fires. A building collapsed next to him, but he didn’t even flinch. His gambeson shone, protecting him from the flames.

Up ahead, he caught sight of a shadowed figure. It looked vaguely like a woman. His eyes widened as he shouted.

“Over here!”

The figure jerked. It turned to face him. And he came to a halt.


The [Crypt Horror] leapt at him. Mori Gladius was quick to react. He crushed its head with a backfist— without even using his spear. Then he stared at the dessicated corpse of a woman.

“I… I’m sorry.”

He closed his eyes, bowing to the dead woman.

“I’ll make sure your daughter is in safe hands.”

That was all he said before he heard a growl. He looked up— at the encroaching [Crypt Lords] and [Crypt Horrors]. The leader of the Remembered Order Company stared at his foes. At enemies not even half his level. They gave him threatening looks. And he balled his hands into a fist.

“I am Mori Gladius. Leader of the Remembered Order Company. The Champion of the Human Lands— a Level 168 [Divine Spearmaster].”

Motes of light wisped off him like eddying flakes of golden snow. His Divine Essence burned, and he glared at the undead.

“Do you really think you stand a chance against me?”

They didn’t understand his question. And it was their demise. In an instant, Mori Gladius shot out. Like a bolt of lightning. He zapped from one undead to another, decapitating them and slicing off their limbs with poise. He came to a halt, and the mass of undead fell behind him, one after another.

He twirled his spear, straightening to his feet. He eyed the dead undead— they hadn’t even been a challenge. But still, he was upset. Upset because he knew he could wipe out thousands and thousands of them all at once. Yet, he couldn’t. Perhaps if Helena Warshade was here, she’d be able to cast a grand spell capable of wiping out even the entire city.

But he was more acclimated to fighting single opponents. So all he could do was swing his spear and hope that he moved fast enough.

“If only the Watcher was here…”

He knew Master would’ve easily ended the Primeval Demon threat, here and now. But the Watcher wasn’t here. Mori Gladius was the one who was here— the one who’d been left in charge of the Remembered Order Company. If he was the only person who could stand up to the Primeval Demon at this moment, then so be it.

Taking a step forward, he spun around to return to the others. Then he paused as a golden blast wiped a nearby street clean of monsters. He looked up and saw five flaming figures zipping through the air. They flew one after another— like a troupe that was dancing through the sky.

The Salvos clones silently laughed as they blew apart the monsters filling the city. Their flames lit up the dark crimson sky. Like fireworks. And Mori Gladius sighed in relief.

“Right. I’m not the only one here.”

He almost felt like smiling. A sense of relief washed over him as one of the Salvos clones flew higher and higher. She incinerated a group of Mindreapers, grinning triumphantly as she cast her gaze over the battlefield.

Then there was a flash. A flicker of a bright light. Mori Gladius blinked, recognizing the aura of divinity in an instant. A tingling sensation crept up his skin as he watched the Salvos clone drop slowly before exploding.

There was another flash— another swing of the Sword of Alexander. It tore through the golden explosion with ease. Mori stared up at the floating figure as it emerged uncsathed from the fire. A giant deformed insect. Like a fly, but with crooked arms next to its wings. It stared down at Mori with its bulbous eyes, almost condescending.

The Primeval Demon.


I looked up at Belzu from four different locations. Through the eyes of my four clones. Well, I had five clones before he killed one of them with a sneak attack. And I had another clone that was quite far off, looking over Jaakko, Helen, and Zack, making sure they survived this battle.

But even though I wasn’t physically there myself, his presence still struck fear into me. There was a creeping sense of dread crawling all over my skin. It almost felt familiar. Like what I had wielded before, but was used against me. It took me a moment to realize what the source of that feeling was. I only realized what it was when the next flash of light came.

Belzu looked down at the clone closest to him. The fourth clone. She’d just incinerated a group of Mindreapers that’d been hovering closer to the ground, and his eyes flickered. His anger was clear. He didn’t even need to speak. The giant blade tore the earth, ripping apart the streets and felling the nearby houses.

It was the Sword of Alexander.

That was right— I sensed the magic that was being emanated from the Mythic Grade artifact. Or, more specifically, I recognized its Divine Essence. I never noticed that odd aura beforehand. But perhaps it was because I had now attuned myself to the Breastplate of Alexander and had my own Divine Essence, I could now discern just what that power was.

My clone barely avoided the attack. She flew into a nearby burning building, trying to hide herself in the flames. But Belzu didn’t remain idle. He pointed at the direction of the fleeing clone, whispering softly.

“[Forlorn Execution].”

I blinked as a crimson energy trailed after my clone, following her wherever she went. She tried to dodge out of the way, but it quickly circled around her. She halted, trapped by the red energy. It took on an ethereal shape— like an armored warrior made out of mist. It raised a giant axe, and my clone blasted it with a cone of golden flames.

The ethereal warrior just swung down. I flinched as she was cut in half. I stumbled back, watching my clone fall— seeing the world tumble around her. I coughed once and covered my mouth.

A voice drew my attention from the side. Saffron placed a hand on my shoulder, a worried look on her face.

“Are you alright, Salvos?”

I stared at her. At the room I was in. Here I was, in the safety of Alyras’ throne room. Yet, when I looked down at the palm of my hand, I saw blood. My blood. And a dizziness nearly made me collapse to the ground.

“I’m fine.”

Shaking my head, I produced a healing potion and downed it. My vision returned to my remaining clones. The three I had left. They stared at the falling clone— at her intact body, with nothing surrounding her. Then I looked through her eyes at the fading world. At the red figure looming over her, as she fell after being cut in half.

Illusions and curses, I reminded myself of Belzu’s magic. This is going to be more dangerous than I thought it’d be.


Belzu laughed as he watched the second of the five clones fall out of the air. Even though they were apparitions made of fire— even though they vaguely resembled a Human— he knew who it truly was supposed to be. The pesky Archdemon who’d already gotten in his way twice now.

Or… perhaps it had been three times if he included what she’d done to his Mindreapers back in the Brilsum Ruins.

Either way, he knew it was her. And while she might’ve hidden away in some far off place, it didn’t matter. The clones were connected to her in some way. He’d be able to harm her as long as that was the case. That was the power of curses.

Perhaps if she disconnected herself from her clones she’d somehow be able to avoid the attacks. But it didn’t matter to Belzu here and now. He raised the Sword of Alexander, eyeing the next closest clone.

The clone dove out of the way as he swung the sword. Even from afar, the slash tore at the earth. Its Divine Essence coalesced like a giant blade of light. The destruction it caused was immense. The air whipped around violently, fanning the flames that rose amidst the burning city.

Belzu didn’t let up. He brought up the Sword of Alexander once again as the Salvos clone burst up from the fire. She pointed at him, unleashing a volley of flaming weapons his way. With a single swing, he tore apart the salvo.

His eyes flickered. Behind him, the other two Salvos clones launched their own attack. A combined blast of golden flame— it shot out at him like a raging inferno, weaving together in a spiral and becoming a single fiery cone. Belzu braced himself… and watched as the illusion was destroyed.

The Salvos clones blinked. They’d miss the real Primeval Demon entirely. They scattered as hovered just over them, bringing down the fury of the Sword of Alexander their way. Once more, the giant blade of light slashed out. Once more, the clones barely escaped. They spread out, darting across the city as Belzu watched.

He clicked his mandibles together.

“You may hide, Archdemon. But I will find you. I assure you of that.”


A giant blade of light tore the sky asunder. It cleaved through the pillar of smoke rising over the city. The ground shook as it ripped apart the earth. I produced my Pendant of Greater Protection, clutching it tightly as my clones fled the scene. Above her, Belzu watched her go.

He didn’t move. His bulbous eyes fixated on them from every angle. My second, third, and fifth  clones escaped in every direction. They could’ve faced him all at once, but I knew that was pointless. They would lose. I had to delay him. Delay him so that the adventurer army— including Jaakko and his team— could leave Westshield. They were already pulling back, albeit rather slowly.

I focused on my first clone for a moment, watching as a woman shouted orders at the army for a retreat. Then Belzu’s head snapped. He faced my third clone as she dipped into the city’s street. His face warped into a smile as he slowly descended.

It looked terrible. Like the wrath of all the bugs I’d eaten was bearing down on me. He came, and my clone ran. She ducked through the city’s streets, wading through the flames and the fumes. Smoke billowed past her, and she used that blanket of opportunity to leap into a nearby building.

I waited. She hid right by the broken doorway. There was a crackle as the flames all around her ate away at the wood. I took in a deep breath, and my third clone poked a fraction of her head out, peeking into the city street.

Belzu had been right behind her. But now he was gone. He vanished, no longer there. The third clone wiped at her forehead, sighing without sound. I grinned. We lost him, I thought as she spun around—

And she stared at the bug-eyes of the Primeval Demon. He stood right behind her as she stared. There was a crack— a crask. A wooden beam fell from the ceiling. My third clone screamed silently as she unleashed a [Barrage of Cinders] at Belzu.

He barely moved. It was like he was standing still, making infinitesimally small movements— minor adjustments— to avoid my attacks. Then he raised the Sword of Alexander, and my clone leapt back. She was off sprinting in an instant. She escaped the building as it collapsed onto Belzu.

She weaved down an alleyway, breaking out into a market street. She ran and ran and ran as the world moved around her. Past a burning food stand, around a shop, into another alley. She sprinted through the alleyway before quickly exiting the other side into a main street.

A market street.

My clone didn’t slow, although I noticed something was odd. She sprinted past a burning food stand. Around a shop. Into another alley. Then she weaved down the alleyway, breaking out into a market street. Past a food stand. Around a shop. Another alley. Through the alley, into a market street—

And I made my clone stop. She blinked as she took in her surroundings. It was the very same market street. The very same burning foot stand. The very same shop. And yet, she was certain she hadn’t been running circles. No, this was something else.

From up above, the clouds of smoke parted. Belzu slowly lowered himself from the sky. The third clone stared with wide eyes as the Primeval Demon loomed over her. He looked far larger than he had before. The Sword of Alexander grew in size like it’d been affected by [Mass Particulate Modification].

She turned and ran, but the ground wheeled under her feet. It was like she was running on the spot, unable to move any further away from Belzu as he gradually brought the giant blade up. She looked back up at him as she screamed a silent scream.

No matter what she threw at him, it missed. Flaming swords, spears, and even Nebular Arrows. She couldn’t strike her target— it was like he had an invisible barrier of air around him, gently guiding the projectiles away from him.

Belzu brought the Sword of Alexander down, laughing maniacally— almost a buzzing sound. The third clone cowered for a brief moment, before accepting her fate. And with that, she was crushed.


My fifth clone glanced up from the belltower as a golden light illuminated the sky. A cross-like explosion that shot up, breaching the clouds above. She looked on, sensing the third clone’s death. It was worrisome. Three of the clones were already dead. Now it was just her and the second clone left. They wouldn’t be able to delay Belzu for long with just the two of them.

At least Belzu was far off. As long as the fifth clone could find a good hiding place—

“Found you.”

A voice echoed behind her. She whirled around, swinging a flaming scythe at Belzu. He chuckled, somehow dodging the attack. Leaping back, she tossed a Sickle Grenade at the Primeval Demon. The explosion took out the top of the belltower, causing the rest of the building to collapse.

She eyed the smoke carefully, watching for any subtle movements. It dissipated as Belzu emerged, flying forward. He sneered.

“There you are.”

What? My fifth clone stared at him, puzzled. And the image vanished. The Primeval Demon was gone. No— he hadn’t even been there in the first place. Another illusion. But now he knew where my fifth clone was.

She hopped between the city’s rooftops, hurriedly trying to get away. But as she crossed over an alleyway, Belzu emerged from the darkness below. He sliced up with the Sword of Alexander, and my clone dove out of the way.

He slashed and slashed and slashed and slashed. My fifth clone flew up, barely navigating around the flurry of attacks. She conjured a Nebular Bow as she spun around and returned fire with a volley of Nebular Arrows.

Belzu harrumphed, vanishing as the explosions engulfed him. My clone’s gaze snapped to the side. The Primeval Demon was flying low, keeping to the ground as he held his sword behind his back. He aimed carefully at the clone before swinging. The blade flashed in the sky. But she darted out of the way again.

When she reoriented herself, she stared down at an army of Primeval Demons. A hundred Belzus flew at her. Her eyes widened. They moved in synchronicity— all at once, they brought up the Sword of Alexander. My fifth clone rapidly loosed Nebular Arrow after Nebular Arrow, bringing down these images one after another. But she never found the real Belzu. Because he wasn’t there.

Directly below her, the real Belzu emerged. He grinned a terrible grin and unleashed the power of the Sword of Alexander at my fifth clone. She watched the attack come. Her eyes were wide. She needed to escape. She couldn’t get out of the way—

And there was a flicker. A fissure in space. My fifth clone barely teleported out of the way. She gasped without a sound, already flying away from Belzu. The Primeval Demon focused his gaze on my clone’s back. She was halfway across the city. He wouldn’t catch her. She’d be able to escape and go back into hiding.

Belzu shook his head, pointing at her.

“Very well then. [Desecration of the Mind].”

A black aura appeared around my clone. She tried to wave it off, but it coalesced around her head. She froze. And there was a dark flash.


I recoiled, stumbling back as my Pendant of Greater Protection flashed. Daniel and Saffron caught me before I could fall. They hovered over me as a few faces in the room turned my way.

“Did something happen, Salvos?”

Rana Alyras asked, peering at me curiously. I sighed as I slumped into a chair.

“I’m down another clone.”

I spoke and focused on the battle once more.


My second clone was all who was left. She kept moving. She didn’t remain idle. The other clones had been hunted down because they thought they could get away by hiding. But they were found either way. So, she continued to move.

Belzu didn’t know where she was. She’d be safe as long as she didn’t alert him of her location. She let out a silent chuckle, darting into an intersection. That was right, she wouldn’t be caught—

And she paused. She stared at the horde of monsters led by Mindreapers. They fixed their gaze on her. Then they screeched. My second clone rolled her eyes.

This sucks, she thought before burning them into ashes. But it didn’t matter. They’d found her. And that meant Belzu did too. There was no longer any point running. Once Belzu caught a glimpse of her, it was over.

His curses and his illusions were too much to overcome. The world grew dark, engulfed by an endless void. She tried to take a step back, but skeleton arms burst out of the shadows and caught her by her legs. Where the ivory fingers touched, her skin seemed to shed— peeling off and revealing her own bones and flesh within. I stared at it. At this illusion. And I saw through it.

My clone was made entirely of flames. That was not real. Even though all of my senses screamed at me in terror and pain, my clone calmly took a step forward. She tore through the illusion. The blanket of darkness fell apart, revealing Belzu hovering right before her.

The second clone stood her ground, producing a rainbow-colored scythe. Belzu didn’t waste any time. He flew straight at her, slashing with the Sword of Alexander for her head.


She charged back at him, screaming silently. Unafraid of the Primeval Demon. The Divine Nebular Scythe glowed bright black. She swung back at the Sword of Alexander with a [Radiant Slash]. There was a clash of light. Black and white. My second clone was thrown back as a white energy pulsed out.

Belzu paused. He stared at the rainbow-colored scythe.

“That is…?”

Shaking his head, he continued as he raised the Sword of Alexander once more.

“So you choose to fight. Tell me: what makes you think you stand a chance?”

The second clone dragged herself back to her feet. She saw through the first clone’s eyes. The adventurer army was finally beginning to pull back. Slowly. So slowly. They’d gotten the last of the survivors of Westshield out. And they moved as they held the army of monsters back.

I couldn’t answer Belzu. Nor did I care to answer his question. Instead, I ordered the second clone to fight. She twirled the Divine Nebular Scythe, smirking. The Primeval Demon just tilted his head.

“So it is for the Human’s sake? Of course. Very well. Then I shall end this now.”

I wanted to protest, but he appeared before my second clone. It was as though he’d just teleported to her. But no— he’d tricked me. He feigned dialogue to close the distance. He was already mid-swing with the Sword of Alexander when I registered what happened. My second clone brought the Divine Nebular Scythe, barely parrying the swing.

She was knocked back a dozen feet from the attack. Belzu harrumphed.

“Do you really think your weapon can stand up to the Sword of Alexander? Once I am done with you, I shall destroy that worthless Human army.”

He swung at her once again. She parried it a second time, this time managing to keep her feet on the ground. The pavement broke off as she blocked the attack, only for Belzu to swiftly stab at her. She was thrown into the air as the edges of the Divine Nebular Scythe were chipped off.

The second clone crashed into a nearby building before the weapon landed next to her. She stumbled up, barely picking up the Divine Nebular Scythe. Belzu crept closer to her. Like an insect crawling its way up an arm— each step a gnawing sensation on my skin. The flames of my second clone flickered as she prepared for her last stand.

Belzu’s face twisted sadistically as he brought up the Sword of Alexander once again.

“It appears you have lost—”

He started, only to be interrupted by a flash of lighting. It zapped down at him, crashing into his back. The Primeval Demon was smashed onto the road. Swatted to the ground. He swung back with the Sword of Alexander, but the bolt of lightning zipped out of the way.

That was when I realized it wasn’t a bolt of lightning, but a person. Mori Gladius, leader of the Remembered Order Company and Elite adventurer, landed next to my second clone as electricity crackled around him. His spear glimmered as he pointed the tip at Belzu.

The Primeval Demon paused.

“The Champion of the Human Lands.”


As a child, Mori Gladius had been given everything he’d ever wanted in life. His parents were a powerful noble family in the Eastern Kingdoms, and they treated him like a prince but without the responsibility. He hadn’t even been the oldest son— the one to inherit the family as their leader. He had no purposes, and as such, he pursued personal power because that was the only thing he didn’t have.

He trained. Grew stronger. He even became an adventurer just so he could forge his own path. But as a bratty noble, he would always get things his way. He used his influence to join one of the most prestigious companies in the world. One of the Three Honorable Companies. The Remembered Order Company.

And that was when he met the Watcher. Unlike everyone else he’d met up to that point, the Watcher paid no attention to his status. To the Watcher’s eyes, Mori was nothing more than another adventurer. The noble boy was treated as such, and that was how he learned humility.

The Watcher taught him very many things. About right and wrong. About justice and responsibility. Mori learned that there was far more to life than just power and influence. He slowly rose up the ranks of the Remembered Order Company, and in time, he became the Watcher’s successor.

He learned to uphold the principles his Master taught him. To be the leader of the Remembered Order Company. And more than just that, Mori Gladius became—

“The Champion of the Human Lands.”

His eyes flickered as the warbled voice echoed from all around him. He stared at the grotesque insect-like figure before him. The Primeval Demon that had been wreaking havoc for so long. A Level 164 [Hellprince].

“You know me?”

Mori asked, raising his glinting spear. Behind him, a flaming figure got to its feet. The Salvos clone shook her head, bringing up a scythe that radiated a faint sense of Divine Essence. He nodded approvingly at that.

The Primeval Demon chuckled. Its wings buzzed as it rose a foot off the ground.

“Of course I know you. I am no fool. I have studied the Human lands. I have taken note of all of your kind that may be a threat to me. And there are few.”

It began listing Titles.

“The Watcher. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy. The Dark Avenger. The Mistress of the Wind. And lastly…”

Its bulbous eyes fixed on the leader of the Remembered Order Company. The Primeval Demon began to multiply— like a reflection on a shattered mirror. A lattice that reflected his image one after another, spreading out around him.

“You, Mori Gladius, Champion of the Human Lands, and [Divine Spearmaster]. One of the highest-leveled [Warriors] of all of Humankind. You are one of the few Humans who are a threat to me.”

Mori narrowed his eyes. He whirled around as the Salvos clone blinked. He stood back-to-back with the flaming figure, both of them surrounded by a hundred of the Primeval Demon. A thousand voices spoke in a cacophony.

“That is why you shall die here.”

All at once, the Primeval Demon swung down with the Sword of Alexander. The attack came from all sides. The Salvos clone squeaked without a noise. She braced herself, but Mori Gladius stood without fear. He thrusted his spear into the air as Divine Essence coalesced around his weapon.

“[Lance of Radiance]!”

A golden glow shot up. Like a pillar of light. It parried the Sword of Alexander. The clash drove the Primeval Demon back as the illusion vanished.

The Salvos clone just stared.



I didn’t expect that. I thought my second clone was going to die there and then, but she survived the attack. And it was thanks to Mori Gladius. He took on a wide stance, holding his spear with only a single arm. Divine Essence flaked off his body, dissipating as quickly as it came. It didn’t come from his weapon— I could tell the Divine Essence was his alone.

Still, that spear managed to drive back the Sword of Alexander. A weapon that managed to survive a direct hit from a Mythic Grade artifact without breaking. It had to be powerful. I used [Identification] on it, but some kind of obfuscation magic prevented me from appraising it.

Mori noticed my curiosity and shook his head.

“It’s a Bloodforged Lance. My Master commissioned it for me. It was created by the greatest [Forgemaster] of the Dwarf kingdom of Vonus. Made from my very own blood mixed with their precious orichalcum, it is tied to my  being. Its power is dependent solely on my own.”

My second clone’s eyes widened. That was amazing. A weapon— or armor— that grew alongside you— it sounded too good to be true. And yet, I knew Mori was telling the truth.

Belzu panted, steeling himself after being knocked back by Mori. The Primeval Demon was in disbelief.


“I can’t take him on alone, Liberator of the Plaguelands.”

Mori spoke to me as Belzu eyed us warily.

“Will you help me?”

I looked at the Human man through my second clone’s eyes. He had dark blue hair that was dirtied from the fighting. Motes of Divine Essence gathered around him as he readied for another clash. I beamed, making my clone flex an arm.

He smiled in relief.

“Good. Now let’s—”

“[Abomination Fulmination].”

Belzu whispered, cutting off the Human man. He unleashed thousands of horrors at us. They came out of him. At first, like a deluge of black fire. Then came the chittering. The buzzing that roared louder than the raging fire. Thousands of inky, deformed locusts, roaches, and centipedes poured out of the Primeval Demon’s skin.

They came for both Mori Gladius and the clone. She blasted back at them with golden fire, but they phased through the flames. An illusion?

“Don’t let them touch you!”

Mori shouted, leaping atop a nearby building. The first wave of the horrors reached the clone, and she flew into the air. She glanced over at the [Divine Spearmaster] as he continued.

“These aren’t illusions. They’re curses given form. They’ll drain you of your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re a clone— your real body will be affected.”

That was starting to become a trend, huh? The second clone watched as the horrors pooled up, scrambling for her in a mad frenzy. She swerved sharply around them, only for Belzu to appear before her. He stabbed at her with the Sword of Alexander, and she barely blocked it again with the Divine Nebular Scythe.

The rainbow-colored blade cracked once more as my clone went sailing back. Belzu pressed on, bringing down the Sword of Alexander again.


“No— [Hallowed Thrust]!”

Mori stabbed with his Bloodforged Lance. Even from afar, its tip extended. It shot out like a bolt of lightning as it went for the sky. Then it curved sharply, moving to intercept the swing of the Sword of Alexander. Belzu grunted as his attack was parried.

“You pesky—”

And my clone grinned. She quickly swung for him as he was distracted. He narrowly zipped out of the way as the edge of the Divine Nebular Scythe nicked his side. The Primeval Demon pointed at her.


The dark horrors from below rushed up at her, and she weaved out of the way. She winked at him as she flew back. He frowned. Then he caught sight of the glowing symbol where he was cut.

“This is…?”

[Demon’s Mark]. A crimson ball of flame engulfed him. It consumed even the fire that was eating away at the city. Mori Gladius raised a hand, watching as the magic faded away. Belzu emerged from the fire, a few burn marks scorching his insect-like body.

“Nice trick, but did you think it was enough to defeat me?”

The Primeval Demon’s eyes flashed. But before he could cast another curse or create even more illusions, Mori Gladius’s entire body was wreathed in a golden light.

“[Lightning Step].”

The Human man became a thunderbolt. There was a crackle as he leapt into the air, rapidly striking Belzu before the Primeval Demon could launch a counter attack. My clone joined Mori Gladius, activating [Haste] and [Warped Time]. Even still, she couldn’t match his speed. Together, they attacked Belzu from all sides.

All the Primeval Demon could do was defend himself. His horrors couldn’t even follow after us. He grunted as he was cut from all angles, unable to block some of the attacks. When both my clone and Mori Gladius struck him at the exact same time, Belzu couldn’t take it anymore.


His words were like a pulse. A curse. It knocked both my clone and the Human man back. The closest flames dissipated as rooftops crumbled. Even the horrors were affected. They vanished as Belzu’s words reached them.

The Primeval Demon flew to the sky as dark clouds gathered above him. He stared down at both Mori and the clone with his bulbous eyes.

“I am the Lord of Lies. A [Hellprince] of the Netherworld. A Primeval Demon of Greed. I will not be overwhelmed by either a pathetic mortal or a mere Archdemon.”

Mori Gladius paused as he got to his feet. His eyes flickered.


I bit my lower lip. My clone averted her gaze as the Human man looked her way. Belzu didn’t elaborate. Instead, the Primeval Demon continued.

“I will not fall. Not until Regnorex is dead at my heel, and his kingdom is mine.”

The ground shook. My clone narrowed her eyes, glancing around her. She saw figures moving about. Closer and closer. Even up above, there were shrouded creatures floating around Belzu. But this was not an illusion. They were real.

Belzu’s army converged on us. The Primeval Demon’s body glowed. The sky twisted. The world itself seemed to bend to Belzu’s will. I recognized this. I understood what was going on. I watched as the moon itself vanished. The sky was painted a blood red. And Belzu uttered the first words.

A Grand Skill.

“[The Oozing Lifeblood of the Netherworld. The Advent of Birth. Reject Your Foolish King. Unite. Rebel. Become One with Me, and Ascend].”

The world began to shrink. Dark clouds formed above. A black rain pattered the white ground. Belzu’s army changed shape— they took on different forms. Shapes with horns. With wings. Which bled a black blood. Belzu laughed as he grew in size. His body contorted, and his eyes replaced the moon in the sky.

“[The End of Genesis: the Desolation of Hell].”

I blinked.I felt my connection to my clone growing weaker and weaker. And just as Belzu uttered his next words, my link to my second clone fully vanished.

“Welcome to my world.”


Mori Gladius looked around. He saw a desolate landscape. A vast and expansive land of white. A crimson dome fell overhead, with black clouds raining a dark liquid from above. He took a step back, blinking.

Where… is this place?

Just as he asked the question, words popped up in his head, telling him where he was not.

Now Leaving [Nexeus: Mortal Realm].

Nothing came after. He was outside of the Mortal Realm. He was no longer in the Human lands. He was… somewhere else. The Primeval Demon’s booming laugh shook the land.

“Welcome to my world.”

He glanced up, looking up at the bulbous eyes of the Primeval Demon. Its eyes seemed to meld with the sky— like the sun and the moon, all at once. Mori Gladius tensed, reaching for his spear. And he… wriggled.

The Champion of the Human Lands paused. He looked down at himself as the laughter continued. He didn’t have any clothes. His Bloodforged Lance wasn’t with him. In fact, he didn’t even have arms. He had a set of nubs that protruded from his body, but that was it.

And wait— his body!

He looked at himself in alarm. He was… a worm. Or a caterpillar. Or a kind of insect larva. He wasn’t sure what he was, but he looked like a grotesque amalgamation between all three of those. He opened his mouth to question what happened to her, but nothing came out.

Mori Gladius had no mouth. All he had were a few nubs and a pair of antennae. He didn’t believe himself. But when he peered down at a black puddle and saw his own reflection, he knew it was true. He jerked back as something brushed by him.

Spinning around, he warily faced another slug-like creature. It looked similar to him, except it lacked the same nubs or antennae. It looked like a monster. He would’ve attacked it the moment it touched him, if not for the fact that it was glowing.

…Salvos? he asked, but again he couldn’t speak.

The same laughter from before reverberated throughout the entire world, causing another tremor.

“This is no illusion, Champion of the Human Lands. You may try to break out of it, but you will fail. You are trapped. Cursed to be nothing more than an Infant Demon.”

Mori Gladius looked up in disbelief. Then he saw the figures ambling towards him. Demons of all kinds. Lesser Demons. Greater Demons. Archdemons, even. They surrounded both him and the Salvos clone. They had hollow eyes. A wild gaze that seemed ready to tear everything— even each other— apart.

The Salvos clone backed up next to him, bracing for a fight. Mori Gladius readied himself too as the Primeval Demon continued.

“Make no mistake, you will not survive. Desolation has begun, and you will die.”

And as if that was a signal, the Demons surrounding both of them rushed out. They charged at the two Infant Demons, snarling, tearing each other apart, all hungry for battle. For the first time in his life, Mori Gladius, leader of the Remembered Ordr Company, and Champion of the Human Lands, didn’t know what to do.


Belzu looked down at the sphere in his hand, seeing the two Infant Demons make a break for it. They ran from the other Demons chasing them. They fled, unable to fight back. The Primeval Demon cackled in his victory. He glanced back down at where Mori Gladius and the Salvos clone had been standing. They were both gone.

That was right. He hadn’t been lying. Or maybe he’d lied a little bit.

It was an illusion in a sense. But an illusion so powerful it warped reality— that it became real. That it trapped Belzu’s targets in a world of his own creation. And they were forever cursed to live through the Desolation. Through the hell that was the Netherworld.

Perhaps they could break out of it, given time. And that was why Belzu hadn’t sent them alone. A small portion of his army was sent along with them to the Primeval Demon’s world. And he’d given the monsters bodies of powerful Demons. They would kill both Mori Gladius and the Salvos clone. Eventually.

Perhaps both the Salvos clone and Mori Gladius would retain some of their abilities. But it would only delay the inevitable. There was nothing more for Belzu to do. His biggest threats were trapped, and he was free to continue his razing of the city. And… bolstering his army.

The Primeval Demon looked over beyond the city walls. He saw the adventurer army retreating. And he moved for them.


“Retreat! We need to leave now!”

A voice shouted. Zack glanced back at the rest of the adventurer army. They were already pulling back. The army had taken severe losses. Thousands of adventurers were dead. But they’d managed to take out just as many— or even more— monsters than that.

But the horde of monsters just kept coming. They didn’t stop. And it was time to leave. Zack agreed with that, but his teammates weren’t as easy to convince.

“Jaakko, you heard them! Let’s get out of here!”

The Cyclops crushed a Saeve with one of his four arms. The ape-like creature went limp. Jaakko turned back and faced Zack with his one eye.

“We cannot retreat.”

He spoke simply. Zack gestured exasperatedly at the burning city.

“There’s not a chance that there’s a single civilian left alive there! Why are we staying?”


Jaakko paused. He looked over at one of the few adventurers who were still fighting close to the city’s walls. Zack followed his gaze and saw Scarlet. The Red Rose. One of the Elites of the Remembered Order Company. She fought alongside another Elite. Tyrian the Brightsbane Archer. They didn’t back up, even when the rest of the company fled.

“What are they doing?”

Zack asked, utterly befuddled. Helen walked up behind him, pursing her lips.

“Mori Gladius hasn’t returned from the city. They’re waiting for their leader.”


It took a moment for Zack to process this. That meant they were all waiting for Mori Gladius to return. Zack shook his head.

“Mori Gladius is the Champion of the Human Lands. He can handle himself. And if he can’t, we have no business being out here. Let the Elites handle it.”

Jaakko remained silent. Helen protested.

“But we can’t just leave!”

“We’ll just be in the way.”

Zack spoke, voice level. Still, she wasn’t convinced. She turned to the Cyclops— the leader of their team.


The Cyclops didn’t speak for a moment. It looked like he was in deep thought. He stared at the city as another burning building collapsed. Finally, he sighed.

“Zack’s right.”

“Of course I am.”

Zack snorted, glad his leader was finally seeing some sense. Helen blinked. She opened her mouth to argue, then she looked at her two team members. Her shoulders slumped.

“I… see.”

Jaakko nodded.

“I do not wish to leave the Champion of the Human Lands alone. But our help is not needed here. Let us go—”

He started, only for a blinding light to cut him off. It tore through the battlefield, slicing through the first ranks of adventurers before they could even react. Dozens of Platinum Ranks and a few Diamond Ranks just vanished, killed by the giant blade of light in an instant.

Jaakko, Helen, and Zack would’ve fallen victim to the attack too if they hadn’t been saved. Zack blinked as he found himself floating, being carried by the Salvos clone that had been protectively hovering over them.


The [Mage] stared at the ranks of dead adventurers. Both Scarlet and Tyrian managed to escape in time too. They were tense, weapons at the ready for whatever it was responsible for that attack.

The Salvos clone slowly lowered Jaakko, Helen, and Zack to the ground. She hurriedly gestured at them to leave. Zack stumbled to his feet, still in shock. Then he looked at what the Salvos clone was looking at. She stared into the raging flames. At a bloated figure slowly flying out of it.


He gasped. That was when he saw it. For the very first time, Zack caught sight of the Primeval Demon.

It emerged from the flames, followed by its army. Monsters of all kinds. Undead of all Species. Zack was almost certain he saw Humans amongst them too, but he was too transfixed on the Primeval Demon to even realize what he was looking at.

The Primeval Demon’s presence weighed on him. A creeping sense of dread crawled over the battlefield, smothering any spark of fighting spirit that had previously been there. A sick grin spread across its face as it spoke a simple order for its army.

“Kill them all.”

And Zack screamed. The adventurers fled as the horde of monsters gave chase, led by the Primeval Demon itself.


This was it. Mori Gladius had found himself in many dangerous situations throughout his life. As an adventurer, he was no stranger to death. Many of his friends and allies had died throughout his adventures. Throughout his journey to become the Champion of the Human Lands.

He knew that a time would come when he, himself, would eventually fall in battle. He was prepared for it. But he didn’t expect to go out like this.

A Greater Demon swung for him as he barely scuttled out of the way, using his little nubs to carry himself as fast as possible. It missed, instead striking a Lesser Demon. The Lesser Demon snarled in anger. It struck back, only to be crushed by the Greater Demon.

Mori Gladius sighed internally in relief, grateful for that brief reprieve— for that delay it had bought him. The Demons continued to give chase as he could only crawl-scurry back. Behind him, the Salvos clone followed. She matched his speed, although it wasn’t very hard to do so.

They were both slug-like creatures that barely had any appendages or limbs. The Primeval Demon’s Grand Skill trapped them in these bodies. It had placed them in this world. In the… Netherworld? Or a recreation of it?

He didn’t know. It didn’t matter to him. All he knew was that he was going to die in some unknown place with the body of some grotesque creature. It was a shameful death. He couldn’t even fight back. He tried, oh, he did.

But when he threw himself at these larger creatures, all he did was flop over and fall to the ground, barely even stalling them. So all he could do was run. But he couldn’t run forever.

A Lesser Demon intercepted him— a kind of [Djinn]. It towered over him, and he swiftly crawled around its legs. The [Djinn] kicked once, sending him flying in the air. The single hit battered his body. He landed on the white ground with a thud, bleeding a black blood that mixed with the rain from above.

He grimaced.

No… He got back up, immediately taking off running again. Not like this—

And an Archdemon caught up to him. Its claws raked his back as he recoiled in pain. He wiggled around the Archdemon’s arms as it picked him up. It had a demented head— that of a monster’s skull. And its jaws unhinged, revealing a hundred razor-sharp teeth. It held him over its mouth as he struggled to break free.

I can’t die like this, he thought as he gazed into the bottomless pit of the Archdemon’s maws. It easily kept back the Greater Demons and Lesser Demons. It slowly lowered Mori Gladius down, closing its jaw.

He shut his eyes, accepting his fate. This is how I go, huh? It was bittersweet. He took solace in knowing that he died protecting Humankind, living up to his Title as the Champion of the Human Lands. But he was going to die in another world. In a reality-warping illusion. As a Demon.

It truly was a tragedy—

And he heard a thud. A hard smacking sound. Almost wet. He opened his eyes to see the Salvos clone throwing her slug-like body straight into the Archdemon’s mouth. It knocked the Archdemon back, causing it to stagger and drop him. Mori Gladius stared at her, confused. She looked down at him once and nodded.

Why…? he began to ask, and the Archdemon bit down. It was a chomp. One that crushed the Salvos clone instantly. Mori Gladius flinched. Why would you save me? he asked again.

It was over. He was next. All she did was delay his death for a second longer. All she did was—

And there was a glint. A bright light coalesced deep within the Archemon. It paused. It fell to the ground in pain. Mori Gladius’ eyes widened. He leapt back, scuttling past the other Demons as the light grew brighter. Before, finally, a powerful explosion ripped apart the landscape. It killed the Archdemon instantly, before blowing apart the nearby Greater Demons and Lesser Demons.

Mori Gladius himself was caught in the blast. He was sent flying back and slammed into a large rock. He fell over in a daze, vision growing dark. Now is this really it? he wondered as the world vanished.


“You did it.”

A soft voice spoke in the room. Mori Gladius sat up abruptly, nearly knocking over the report that had been laid on his desk. He glanced over at the figure standing by the doorway. A young man, barely twenty years old, stood there with a raised brow.

“I’m surprised. I’d have thought you of all people would have fucked up.”

“Fuck up? What are you—”

Mori Gladius started in anger, before catching himself. He straightened and bowed at the young man.

“I’m sorry, Master. But may I ask why exactly did you think I'd fail my mission?”

“I told you before, Mori. You don’t have to address me so formally.”

The young man just chuckled. He walked over to the desk with a skip in his step. Utterly carefree. He sat down and crossed his legs.

“I told you, you can just call me Yves.”

Mori stared at the relaxed young man. At Yves Virgil. The leader of the Remembered Order Company. The Watcher. The highest-leveled Human in the entire world. Then Mori shook his head.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot address you that way, Master. That would be disrespectful and rude of me to do so.”

“Geez, you’re always so uptight, aren’t you? You need to relax more. Although… I guess that stubbornness of yours is why you got that Title.”

Yves smiled. Despite his youthful appearance, he was nearly twice Mori’s age. Mori wasn’t sure how the Watcher looked so young. It was possible that Yves had a second Class as an [Alchemist] and concocted Potions of Youth for himself.

Mori Gladius never thought to ask. Yves continued.

“Champion of the Human Lands, huh? What a prestigious Title. You’d think you’d have gotten it from besting the Demon King in a duel, or fending off a Kobold army all by yourself. And yet, all you did was negotiate with the Elven Matriarch Ios-friel and convince her not to invade the Human lands. You, of all people.”

The Watcher placed his hand on his forehead like he was in disbelief. Mori Gladius pursed his lips.

“Did you think I was going to fail, Master?”

“Maybe. I can’t say for sure with you, Mori. When I first met you, you were the most brash idiot I had ever accepted into my company. But now?”

Mori Gladius stood slightly straighter— prouder. And Yves grinned.

“Now? You’ve changed so much. You’ve grown so much stronger. But you’re still a brash idiot.”


The Champion of the Human Lands deflated. But his Master just waved a hand off.

“That’s not to say you were the exact same person then as you are now. And you’ve shown how much you’ve grown since then. But at the very core, you haven’t changed. Because whether you are good or bad, weak or strong, rich or poor— none of it matters. That is not who you are. The very essence of your soul hasn’t changed.”

Mori Gladius looked up at the Watcher. He stared at his Master, listening carefully. Taking in every word that came out of Yves’ mouth as the young man got to his feet.

“If you had failed, it would’ve been a terrible war. A calamity to the Human lands. But you are Mori Gladius. My successor. I trusted that you wouldn’t fail. And you didn’t. You succeeded. You prevented it.”

Yves patted Mori on the shoulder with a soft smile.

“So… good job. Because it is now up to you to protect Humankind, Mori.”

With those words, the Watcher left the room.


Mori Gladius’ eyes fluttered open. He was no longer in that old office back at his company’s headquarters— that wasn’t even his current office which was far larger and more luxurious than what he had now. It had been a memory from a time long ago. When he’d still been a Diamond Ranked adventurer.

The Watcher had picked him as the next leader of the Remembered Order Company. At the time, Mori had been perplexed. He didn’t know why his Master didn’t choose any of the other Elites there. But perhaps it was because his Master saw something in him that others couldn’t.

Forcing himself back up, Mori Gladius took in his surroundings. He was still in the crimson world, although the dark rain had stopped falling from the sky. His body was injured— ripped and torn by the Demons before being blasted by a golden explosion.

Here he was, still trapped in the body of an Infant Demon. In a harsh world far from his own. He wasn’t in the Human lands. He was going to die in a foreign place with the broken body of a creature he scorned.

A moving figure caught his eyes. He looked over at an ambling Archdemon walking over the corpses of the other Demons that had been caught in the blast. This wasn’t the same Archdemon that had tried to eat him. That Archdemon had been incinerated by the golden flames.

No— this was another Archdemon that managed to avoid the blast. It came down now to collect the scraps and leftovers, although there were none… except for Mori Gladius himself. He tried to crawl away, but it slowly walked up to him. It wore a vicious smile on its face as it reached over to him. Like a vulture swooping down to its prey.

Mori Gladius stared at it. At the way it hungered for him. But Demons didn’t eat. This was a monster wearing the skin of an Archdemon, as he was a Human with the form of an Infant Demon. That was why it opened its mouth— that was why it scooped him into its maw.

Then he looked past the Archdemon. Towards the site of the explosion. The golden blast. The Salvos clone had… exploded. He remembered seeing the very same blast erupted throughout the city. Despite being reduced to a mere slug-like creature, the Salvos clone still retained that ability.

He craned his neck, looking at the Archdemon. Then at himself. And he remembered his Master’s words.

That’s right.

The Archdemon closed its teeth around him as he stared at his impending death.

I am the Watcher’s successor.

He would face death in the face and laugh. Mere death was nothing to a [Divine Spearmaster].

I am the leader of the Remembered Order Company.

The essence of his soul hadn’t changed, even if he looked like an Infant Demon now. His divinity wisped off him as there was a chomp. A crunch. An intense pain swept through his body. And he laughed.

I am the Champion of the Human lands!

With that thought, he activated his Grand Skill.

“[Divine Resurrection]!”

The Archdemon paused. It stumbled back as something emerged from its stomach. It spat out the body of the Infant Demon, only for the eddying golden flakes to coalesce around the corpse. A bright light shone for a bit before morphing into the vague shape of a Human body. And from that, emerged Mori Gladius. He carried his Bloodforged Lance, blue hair dripping with black blood.

He smirked as the Archdemon stepped back. He didn’t let it escape. Instead, he thrust forward. He stabbed at the Archdemon even as it fled. His spear lit up the entire crimson sky, painting it gold as he shouted.

“[I Shall Pierce the Heavens]!”

And his second Grand Skill impaled the Archdemon. It reached the end of the small world, breaching its edges. It moved in a straight line, cracking the sky. The entire world shone gold, before everything shattered.


Belzu watched as the adventurers tried to flee. His army moved, intercepting them before they could get far. The Humans fought— a futile attempt at surviving. With a single swing of the Sword of Alexander, he’d wipe out dozens of high-leveled adventurers. Only their Elites stood a chance against him.

His eyes flickered to the side. A red blur rushed at him, striking at his neck with a set of curved daggers. Belzu didn’t even need to dodge. Scarlet the Red Rose missed entirely, striking at an illusion. He swung back at her, and she leapt out of the way.


The Primeval Demon spoke simply. A volley of arrows shot out at him, but he cut them from the sky. He fixed his gaze at the other Elite present. Tyrian the Brightsbane Archer. He nocked another arrow onto his bow. But Belzu just whispered.

“Behind you.”

Tyrian whirled around in a panic, loosing the powerful bolt at the image of the Primeval Demon behind him. It tore through the illusion, but didn’t actually reach Belzu. After all, Belzu hadn’t moved. The Primeval Demon cackled as he sliced down with the Sword of Alexander.

The giant blade reached Tyrian from afar. He tried to jump back, but he was far slower than Scarlet. He screamed as his right arm was cut cleanly off.


Scarlet shouted. She dashed for him, and Belzu moved to stop her. However a blast of golden flame shot him. He glared at the flaming figure above him.

“You only have one final clone left. If you truly wish to save these people, show your real self so I can kill you instead.”

The Salvos clone just stuck her tongue out at him. He replied with a curse.

“[Desecration of the Mind].”

She recoiled and flew off, clutching at her head in pain. It wasn’t enough to kill her on its own, but he knew he was attacking the real Salvos at the same time. And that was all that mattered to him.

“Suffer, pest.”

He watched as she scurried off, running once again. That was all she did. Belzu turned his attention to the more dangerous opponents present. The two Elites were huddled together. He could take them out with one fell swoop. Most of his Skills were on cooldown, but he still had the Sword of Alexander.

Belzu grinned, creating an illusion to disorient them. The Elites moved around in a panic as it looked like the world was falling around them. The Primeval Demon flew closer, hidden from their view. He raised the Sword of Alexander—

And paused. He heard a crash. He glanced down at the sphere that he’d been carrying, looking at a giant webbed crack running through it. His eyes bulged.


And the sphere that was carrying his world broke. It shattered completely, letting out everything he’d caught within. He watched bodies of monsters fell from it— dropping out of the sky one after another. Then there was a glint. A spear stabbing for his face.

The Primeval Demon zipped back just in time to dodge Mori Gladius’ attack. The leader of the Remembered Order Company landed right next to his fellow Elites, spinning his spear as he took on a battle-ready stance. The adventurer army paused. Even the Salvos clone looked on in awe. Then they erupted to cheers as the Champions of the Human Lands stepped forward.

“Primeval Demon! Your rampage ends here!”

He declared. Belzu just stared in shock.

“My Grand Skill… he broke through it…”


It was now or never. Mori Gladius had revealed everything he had. Both his Grand Skills. Everything in his repertoire had been used up. He glanced back at his dwindling army. He barely had half the numbers he’d started with in such a short amount of time— and whether that was due to death or desertion, he wasn’t sure.

But the Primeval Demon wasn’t going to let up. It would not stop until his army and the civilians they were protecting were all dead. After all, the Primeval Demon itself had lost so much from this. Its army of monsters, too, had been reduced. It hovered there, injured. Bleeding and hurt. If not to replenish its numbers, it would press on for the sake of its pride.

The Primeval Demon raised a hand as its army gathered behind it. Monsters of all shapes and sizes listened to its call. Mindreapers flew alongside it as it cast a scornful gaze at Mori Gladius.

“You grow conceited, Champion of the Human Lands. Your army is broken. You stand no chance against me.”

Mori Gladius shook his head. That was true. He looked at how haphazardly scattered the adventurers were. They had no organization, unlike a proper military. But still, they were here. They fought on. And that was enough for him.

He stood taller, shouting for everyone in his army to hear.

“To me, adventurers of the Human lands! Help me bring an end to this plague! It has spread its pestilence for far too long— it has taken far too many lives! We don’t know who will be the next one to suffer by its claws. It could be your friends— your family!”

The fleeing adventurers paused. They looked at each other, then at the battlefield. They saw the destruction that had been wrought. And they listened.

“We have proven it time and time again through history. If Humankind bands together, we can achieve anything. A lone Demon cannot and will not bring us to our knees. We will not let it continue!”

He brought his spear up, and there was a pillar of light shot up. The adventurers stared at him. At the Champion of the Human Lands. There was some hesitation. A moment of doubt. But they heeded his call. They put aside their selfish needs and desires, listening to his valor.

“Now come! Let us put an end to this today!”

And they cheered. The adventurers charged with him. He ran straight for the Primeval Demon. It rallied its own army, glancing back at the mindless monsters.

“Slaughter them all! I shall gladly add your corpses to my numbers, you foolish mortal!”

The Mindreapers raced forward. The [Gatho Mammoths] stampeded ahead. The Drakes roared as Saeves clung onto their backs. The undead sprinted until their limbs broke. They listened to the Primeval Demon’s command. Only a small section of the monster army stayed back. They hesitated, not charging straight into the fray, although the Primeval Demon didn’t notice it.

Mori Gladius didn’t pay attention to them either. He didn’t even notice their haggard looks. They weren’t monsters or undead, but Humans. All the Champion of the Human Lands saw was his target. The Primeval Demon.

He clashed with the front lines of the monster army. He ripped straight through the undead. The [Gatho Mammoths] were barely even a threat to him. He impaled a Drake, before bringing down a group of Saeves. A blast of mind magic struck him, causing him to stumble. Dozens of Mindreapers attacked him all at once.

He glared up at them, but didn’t even get a chance to attack as a wave of golden flames incinerated the Mindreapers. The Salvos clone flew alongside him, giving him a thumbs-up.

Then a flicker of red shot past him. Mori Gladius watched as Scarlet the Red Rose tore apart the front ranks of monsters, screaming at him.


He nodded as he charged on. A volley of arrows exploded ahead of him, blowing apart a group of Howres. He leapt atop a [Gatho Mammoth], boosting off it as a team of adventurers brought the monster down. He looked up above, spotting the Primeval Demon. As the battlefield raged on around him, he saw a Diamond Ranked adventurer fall from a sundering cut from the Sword of Alexander.

The Primeval Demon caught sight of Mori Gladius too. Through all the fighting. It roared a garbled sound as he shouted.

“I am the Champion of the Human Lands! Your reign of terror ends now!”

He poured the last vestiges of his Divine Essence into the Bloodforged Lance. No more Skills. No more tricks. Just sheer power alone. The Primeval Demon screamed back as it swung down with the Sword of Alexander.

“I shall not lose to a damn mortal!”

They clashed mid-air. Their blades were locked for what felt like an eternity compounded into a single moment. A wave of energy burst out, knocking back those closest to them. Mori Gladius felt his power fading. He didn’t have much Divine Essence left.

He grunted as he pushed on. The Primeval Demon stared, watching as the Sword of Alexander was pushed back.


“This is over!”

Mori Gladius yelled with all his might. There was a glimmer. And then a blast of Divine Essence exploded in all directions. The fighting below stopped as the shockwave pulsed out. The Primeval Demon looked on in shock as the Sword of Alexander itself went flying.

Time seemed to stop. Everyone stared on, unable to parse what just happened. Mori Gladius overwhelmed the Sword of Alexander on his own. Even the Salvos clone wore a look of surprise on her face. The Primeval Demon just uttered one word.


The Champion of the Human Lands grunted, bringing back his Bloodforged Spear. He remembered his Master’s words. The task that had been entrusted to him. This was it. He would not fail here. He thrusted forward, aiming for the Primeval Demon’s heart.

“Because I am Humankind’s protector—”

And blood went splattering out. It dripped down from the wounds, mixing together as everyone stared on. There was a gasp. No— gasps. The blood pooled together. Red blood. And… black blood.

Both Demon blood and Human blood dripped down from the golden scales as everyone looked up. They froze at the sight. At their Champion as he was impaled alongside the terrible Primeval Demon.

Mori Gladius trembled as he looked down at what was protruding from his chest. It tore straight through his heart. A golden thing. A… tail.

A tail. It was hooked at the edge, with jagged barbs poking out of its side. It connected both Belzu and Mori Gladius. The Primeval Demon looked just as shocked as the Human man.

A soft laugh broke the silence.

“Oh, how lucky of me. I have caught two of my prey with a single hook.”

The tail receded. Mori Gladius glanced back at the serpentine figure floating behind him. His eyes widened.

[Hellprince - Lvl. 171]


Mori Gladius said as he dropped from the sky. He stared up weakly at the red sky. At his new foe. And a final thought crossed his mind as darkness consumed him for the last time.

I am sorry, Yves…


Belzu coughed out black blood as the tail pulled out from him. He flew back, watching the Champion of the Human Lands drop dead. The owner of the tail tilted his head.

“You’re quite durable for a mere insect, aren’t you?”


Belzu spat as he clutched at his wound. It wasn’t enough to kill him. Of course not. He was not a weak mortal who couldn’t survive without his head. Nor did he even have a heart.

The other Primeval Demon, Levithus, just laughed.

“Even with our King’s treasures, you are weak.”

He held up the Sword of Alexander. It glimmered in the night sky. The sight of the Mythic Grade artifact broke the Human adventurers out of their stupor. They screamed, turning tails and fleeing.

“Mori Gladius is dead!”

Another person shouted, louder this time.

“The Champion of the Human Lands has been killed!”

Levithus barely even gave them a glance. His gaze was fixed only only Belzu. The Lord of Lies edged around the other Primeval Demon. Belzu would’ve fled immediately if he could, if Levithus didn’t have the Sword of Alexander in his hands.

Belzu paused when he caught sight of a glint past the other Primeval Demon. And he decided to speak.

“You are but a slave, Levithus. Even if you kill me today, you will always be weak.”

“On the contrary, Belzu. I did not come here to slay you on our King’s orders.”

“He is not my king.”

Belzu snarled, but Levithus ignored him.

“Rather, I asked our King to let me kill you. An insect like you deserves to be exterminated. And I desire the grand honor to put a traitor like you to death.”

Levithus inspected the Sword of Alexander. The weapon flashed as he bared his teeth.

“Then once I am done with you, I shall deal with these puny mortals—”

But a blast of  flames interrupted him. Levithus spun around and caught a golden figure. The Salvos clone struggled as he coiled around her with his body. Her arm transformed into a scythe as she tried to cut her way free.

“And what is this? An ally of yours? No—”

Levithus narrowed his eyes, inspecting the shapeshifting clone.

“How peculiar…”

This was Belzu’s only chance. He pointed.

“[Desecration of the Mind]!”

Levithus recoiled. His eyes narrowed and he swung for Belzu. But the blade cut through only an illusion.

The real Belzu appeared far away, already flying off into the distance. Levithus roared.


His body tightened around the Salvos clone. She let out a silent scream before exploding. The blast barely scathed Levithus. The golden flames whipped around him, billowing smoke into the air. The flames wisped off him as he fixed his gaze at Belzu. He swung the Sword of Alexander down, cutting into the army of the Lord of Lies.

Monsters fell by the dozens. Each swing took out a chunk of Belzu’s army. But they went scattering everywhere. Leviticus spun around, opening his maw and unleashing a torrent of black flames at Belzu’s direction.

The blast shook the earth. It engulfed everything in its sight. But his targets… vanished. Illusions that had tricked him entirely. The giant serpent paused, floating in the air amidst gold and black fire. He glanced back at the Humans, then at one of the many Belzus in the distance. Both armies fled from him. Both sides were a fraction of their former selves. And Levithus spoke dangerously as flames licked out of his mouth,

“Run, little insect. Flee with what’s left of your army. But know that your time is running out. Our King is here, and he shall cast his judgment on you.”


With that, the battle was over. All six of my clones were dead. Killed by two different Primeval Demons. Hopefully, Jaakko, Zack, and Helen escaped. I tried to buy them whatever time I could by using my last clone to distract Levithus, but… he was far stronger than even Belzu.

I couldn’t even hurt him. At all. So I just hoped that they escaped.

I sat there, in the throne room of Alyras, far from the battlefield, just exhausted. And in pain. I’d taken a lot more damage than I wanted to when I hadn’t even participated in the fighting myself. Daniel once again asked me if something was wrong, and I finally decided to relay what had happened.

A babbling of voices broke out. The Vampires and the nobles hurriedly gathered around to discuss the event. They spoke of Mori Gladius’ death. Of the second Primeval Demon’s power. And of Belzu’s defeat.

I listened, not contributing much other than to clarify any questions. I was too worried. I hoped that my friends survived. And I wondered how I was even going to take on Belzu as I was, let alone Levithus.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I could empathize with Daniel. I just didn’t want to think about my problems for a moment. But then all the discussion in the room came to a halt. Because, for the second time tonight, a messenger rushed into the room. And this time, I perked up at hearing what it was.

“The Rising Veterans Company has arrived.”

The messenger said to the king of Alyras before repeating himself for all to hear,

“The first adventurer army has reached Alyras!”

There were cheers. Relieved looks. Saffron smiled as she turned to her family, more confident than just a few minutes before. And I found myself getting excited too. Just not for the same reason as everyone else.

I turned to Daniel. My eyes lit up. He gave me a knowing look. And I beamed.

“Edithe is here!”

End of Salvos Volume 5 Part 2

Author's Notes:

Well, that's it. That's the end of Volume 5 Part 2. I hope I did it justice. I don't know if it was as good as I wanted it to be. But I tried my best. Thanks for reading as always. Next chapter on Monday.


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