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So, I’m 99% sure the issue is an inflamed tendon. The numb sensation became an aching sensation on August 7th yesterday which got me a little worried, and someone suggested I take some ibuprofen if it’s inflammation. I took some, and it’s feeling better already. However, I don’t want to force myself to write when it has only just started getting better.

So, unfortunately, no Melas or Tian chapters today. There may or may not be Salvos chapters tomorrow, depending on how I feel. I’ll keep you updated as soon as I can.



Take your time and get better soon


take a week off to be sure you have recovered 100%


Stop writing for a week. You can take notes in voice so you don't forget ideas or plot lines. I would suggest using voice to text for a month or two. Also see "Keyboard Ergonomics to prevent Carpal Tunnel". Once you have recovered, also start doing some regular finger stretches daily. Make sure to have Fish Oil tablets and daily dose of Vitamin D.


Yes take a Week or two


Take your time! We love your stories but we love your health more!


I hope your hand starts feeling better soon!

Log Daniels

We gots to think about this analytically we can get some chapters now and make it worse and an even longer break without chapters later so there would be a net loss of chapters. Conclusion chillax duuuuuuuuude


Take some time to let it recover, we can wait an extra week or whatever to make sure your not harming your hand. Hope it gets better soon :)


You should definitely take some time and go see a doctor about this if you can


Please do take some time off, not messing your hand up is way more important than missing a few chapter updates. And yes do see a doctor just to be safe!